2022 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション3

2022年11月15日、産学連携ハイブリッド・イノベーションプログラム第3回セッションを開催しました。今回は東工大特任教授であるネイサン・コーエン博士が、演習とディスカッションをリード。コーエン博士はロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーチンズ校のMA Art/Scienceの元コースリーダーであり、アーティスト兼研究・教育者です。共著にThe Art of Scienceがあり、この本で、時代を超えて我々の文化を形成してきたアーティストと科学者の作品群を紹介しています。またスタッフチームとして、HIディレクターの野原佳代子教授、HIクリアイティブディレクターのジョルジョ・サラニ助教、アシスタントディレクターの鹿又亘平氏が入りました。

参加メンバーは会場に足を運んで対面参加、一方のコーエン博士は同時通訳サービスを介し、イギリスからZoomで登場しました。今回は講義はなし、実習がメイン。創造性とイノベーションをめぐる芸術的・科学的アプローチの違いと重なりを考える3つの演習を軸にセッションを行いました。まずコーエン先生から芸術と科学に対する認識を問われ、前回の科学技術最先端セッションも思い出しつつ、ポストイットを使って確認。その後、魅力的な映像が次々と紹介され、アートって?についてディスカッションが行われました。その中には、神秘的な民族アート、先史時代のものから現代の作品まで、遠い過去からコンテンポラリーまで、あまり馴染みのない作品や、コーエン先生自身によるアート作品が含まれています。 作家の意図や制作方法について質問が出され、参加者間で推測し、共有されていきました。有名な作品であっても、参加者にとっては馴染みのない技術や材料が使われていることも多く、予備知識なしでは解釈が困難なものもありました。そのアートが創られた目的とは?その社会的な役割は?などについて、さまざまな意見交換が行われました。

 休憩後、参加者はグループに分かれて実践的な課題に取り組みました。1時間で、2つのテーブルの間に、竹の棒、ゴムひも、カラーリボンを使って、1.2mの橋を架ける、というもの。 橋の強度はもちろんのこと、見た目の美しさも重要視されます。どのグループも紙に書いた橋の設計図をもとにディスカッションを開始し、しだいに材料の確認とソリューションのテストへと移っていきました。竹の棒の接合方法っを含め、ひとつのプロジェクトにも選択肢とバリエーションが出現。各グループは各タスクに集中し、分担して手早く作業を進めていきます。全グループとも時間内に完了し(ギリギリ、のところもあり…)、Cohen先生と全員で評価に取り組みました。異なる重さの本などを使って構造物の強さをテストし、最後は最も優れていると思うものに投票。さらに、異なるデザインの背景となった動機についてそれぞれのグループが紹介しました。深い洞察が隠れているものもあり、簡単には説明しにくいものも。この演習とディスカッションから得られた結論は、橋の技術的特徴と美観は別々に考えられがちでも、実際には深く絡み合っており、優勝したグループの橋を見る限り強度と美観の両方が優れていると多くの人が判断したということ。これは、どういうことなのか。


HI 2022 活動期間:2022年10月~2023年4月

プログラム内容:対面とオンラインを柔軟に取り入れたセミナー、ワークショップ、ものづくり、実験、クリエイティブコミュニティ活動など。 参加企業によるグループプロジェクトの成果を公開する最終シンポジウムが、2023 年 4 月に予定されています。

手法・昨年のプログラムなど、さらなる情報が欲しい方はこちら: https://www.tse.ens.titech.ac.jp/~deepmode/csm/blog/未来を創るhybrid-innovation/
お問い合わせは事務局へ: sugimoto.a.ac[@半角に変更してください]m.titech.ac.jp あるいは tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp


The third session of our Hybrid Innovation programme for Japanese industry was held at Nohara Lab on 15th November 2022. Tokyo Tech’s Visiting Professor Dr. Nathan Cohen led the activities and the discussion, alongside HI Director Prof. Kayoko Nohara and HI Assistant Director, Kohei Kanomata. Dr. Cohen is an artist, educator and researcher, and the former Course Leader of the MA Art/Science at Central Saint Martins college, University of the Arts London. He is a co-author of “The Art of Science”, an illustrated selection of works by artist-scientists that shaped our cultures over the ages.

Participants attended in person whilst Dr. Cohen joined us from the UK on zoom, assisted by a simultaneous translation service provided by NHK. This was a very practical session with no central lecture but 3 exercises designed to facilitate a discussion about differences and overlaps between artistic and scientific approaches to creativity and innovation. After some warm-up questions about the perception of art vs. science among the participants, a series of captivating images were shown and discussed. These included less familiar works of art from the distant and recent past, from mysterious ethnic and prehistoric art to more contemporary works, and Dr. Cohen’s own artwork. Questions were raised about the artists’ intentions and methods of making, with educated guesses shared by the participants. Without prior knowledge some images looked alien and hard to decipher, but even more well-known artworks were often made with techniques and materials unfamiliar to the session’s participants. This stimulated an initial exchange about the goals of art and its role in societies across the globe. What is the purpose for which the art was created? What is its social role?

After a short break, the participants were split in groups and assigned a practical task. Each group had one hour to build a bridge of 1.2m span, to be constructed between 2 tables using only bamboo sticks, elastic bands and coloured ribbon. The results would be judged both in terms of technical features such as strength and aesthetics. Early on, all groups engaged in discussions aided by sketches of bridge designs on paper, and gradually moved on to checking the materials and testing solutions. Multiple ways of joining sticks were possible and this gave options and variety to the project. The exercise was engaging and all groups focused closely on their tasks, splitting labour among them and progressing fast. The all managed to finish on time and the results were assessed by Dr. Cohen and everyone in the room, collectively. Books were used to test the strengths of the structures and everyone voted for their preferred solution. The groups also introduced the motivation behind the different designed and these were sometimes insightful and not immediately obvious. The conclusion we all drew from the activity and the discussion was that the technical features and aesthetics of the bridges could be thought of separately but in reality they were largely intertwined and the winning bridge was judge by most to be both the stronger and the best looking.

At the end of the session, we reflected again on what it means to be artistic, in the light of what it means to be scientific. In particular, when we say that ‘science is rational’, what does that mean? How does it differ from ‘rationalisation’ in business? What is the rationality to be found in art? Where are the standards of aesthetics to be found? … and so the discussion goes on. We are thus on the path to exploring the fusion of science and art.

Session 4 of the HI programme will be held on 29th November and will focus on various techniques to facilitate the divergence in creativity, at the start of the ideation phase. Group work to start in Session 4 will be undertaken by the participants across various sessions to exemplify an innovation cycle based on HI theory and practice. The results will be amply discussed in the final sessions and presented to the public in the HI Symposium to be held in April 2023 (exact date TBC).

Activity period: October 2022 to April 2023PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2023.

Here you can find our previous posts on Session 1 and Session 2.

For info please contact: tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

2022 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション2

11月1日(火)、産学協働プログラム「ハイブリッド・イノベーション」第2回目を実施しました。今回は「科学技術最前線」として、STADHI-Science and Technology x Art and Design Hybrid Innovation ーのメンバーでもある東工大物質理工学院の須佐匡裕教授が登場、金属工学のスペシャリストです。鉄鋼の製造工程と歴史、そしてカーボンニュートラルな未来を目指す上でのグローバルな課題について講義をいただきました。今日のゴールは、革新的な製品やサービスを生み出す、あるいは改善するソリューションの「オルタナティブ」としての「プロセス・イノベーション」に目を向けること、そしてあらためて「科学的であること」の特徴を見直し、そこから何を学ぶことができるか、いろいろな方法を議論することでした。「サイエンスと工学」にちなんで参加者全員が白衣を着用し、その思考と文化、モード(形式、スタイル)をシミュレートしてみました。いつもと違う風景に、自分の中の何かがとぎすまされた、という感想も飛び出しました。




続いて野原佳代子教授が、今聴いたばかりのレクチャーを起点として各自が何をつかんだか、今回のサイエンスコミュニケーションからどんなメッセージが受け取られたかをポストイットを使って確認していきました。参加者たちがつかんだものは、科学的事象、情報から、それを無意識に評価したもの、より関心のある自分ごとへと昇華させたものまでいろいろでした。さらに、科学技術的方法と思考とは何か、それらのどんなところに創造性のポテンシャルがあるか… より普遍的なプロセスイノベーションへの適用の可能性が検討されていきました。





HI 2022 活動期間:2022年10月~2023年4月

プログラム内容:対面とオンラインを柔軟に取り入れたセミナー、ワークショップ、ものづくり、実験、クリエイティブコミュニティ活動など。 参加企業によるグループプロジェクトの成果を公開する最終シンポジウムは、2023 年 4 月に予定されています。

手法・昨年のプログラムなど、さらなる情報が欲しい方はこちら: https://www.tse.ens.titech.ac.jp/~deepmode/csm/blog/未来を創るhybrid-innovation/
お問い合わせは事務局へ: ogiuchi.s.aa[@半角に変更してください]m.titech.ac.jp あるいは tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

The second session of our Hybrid Innovation programme for industry was held on 1st November at Nohara Lab. This in-person event saw the contribution of Prof. Masahiro Susa from the School of Materials and Chemical Technology, who introduced the participants to the process and challenges of manufacturing steel. He gave a lecture on the manufacturing process and history of steel, and global challenges in moving towards a carbon-neutral future. The session aimed to inspire a discussion on “process innovation” as an alternative source of innovative solutions for generating or improving products and services, and reflect on a “scientific” approach to innovation. To embrace the S&T theme of the day, all participants were asked to wear white lab coats for the entire afternoon.

The process of making materials for steel includes the sintering process, in which powdered ore, lime and coke are mixed and baked to harden them; the process of making crude iron (or “pig iron”), the material for steel, in a blast furnace; and the process of pig iron entering a converter furnace to become steel… Unlike the vague image people have of ‘iron’, the composition and shape of iron changes depending on the process at each stage, and is transformed with different properties. The main theme of the conference was a zero-carbon society and the search for a pathway to steelmaking that realises this, with the major ‘question’ being how the steel manufacturing process can be changed towards decarbonisation, and the trial-and-error approach to cutting-edge innovation was discussed. Questions were actively raised, one after another, from companies in industries that use steel in their daily operations, as well as from those that do not.

Professor Kayoko Nohara then used post-its to check what each participant had grasped from the lecture they had just heard, and what messages they had received from this science communication. What the participants grasped varied from scientific events and information, to unconscious evaluations of them, to the sublimation of them into something more personal and of interest to them. Furthermore, what are scientific and technological methods and thinking, what is their potential for creativity… and their potential for application to more universal process innovation were examined.

Next, using techniques of Art Foundation studies, the participants were asked to discuss the topic of ‘steel towers’ in groups while blindfolded. With no reliance on sight, the participants shared their knowledge and senses. Creative translation extended from the types and functions of steel towers, such as Tokyo Tower, base stations, electricity and carrying radio waves, to associations such as “the tower looks good at sunset” and “towers owned by major companies usually have Yuru-kyara characters…”.

The final activity involved working in groups of three and making artefact using coloured clay. Individuals were first given 5 minutes to create a miniature frying pan using one tub of clay, in whichever method they preferred. In the second round, one participant per group had to explain and show how to make the same object his or her way. The other two participants should follow visual and oral instructions and replicate both shape and actions. An additional rule was introduced, forcing all groups to standardise their output. The next two rounds saw the same dynamic in the groups, with alternate participants instructing others while also observing newly introduced rules. Finally, all members had to individually create the frying pan by choosing their own methods, as they did at the start. The exercise provided a context in which the relationship between skill, knowledge, process and design were all made evident. The experience inspired a rich discussion on the difference of various techniques and the results highlighted the crucial role manufacturing processes can play in realising designs. After discussing impressions from the direct experience with clay, the conversation moved to more abstract associations with manufacturing, internal policies and communication within companies, and the ability to innovate processes (and/or designs) to accommodate ever-changing conditions.

The third session of the HI programme will be held on 15th November and will explore the theme of art/science with a guest lecturer from the UK (simultaneous translation will be provided).

Activity period: October 2022 to April 2023

PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2023.
Read our previous post on Session 1 here.
For info please contact: tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

2022 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション1

今年度も、素敵な産業界のパートナーのみなさまとともに科学技術とアート/デザインをコミュニケーションでつなぐ「ハイブリッド イノベーション(HI)」プログラムが発進しました! 本プログラムは今回が2期目、東工大環境・社会理工学院のSTADHIーScience & Technology + Art & Design Hybrid Innovationサテライトラボを主宰する野原研究室が牽引。東京都心にある大岡山キャンパスにて行われ、東工大とロンドン芸術大学Central Saint Martins校 (CSM) が共同開発したプログラムコンテンツを提供しています。

ここではパートナー企業のみなさまに「ハイブリッドイノベーション」文化・環境を創るプロセスを一緒に具現化し、いろいろな活動を通して体験していただきます。 そこに「マルチコミュニケーション」を効果的に取り入れて学問の垣根を越え知の融合を促し、知識やスキルを得るだけでなく意識改革も進めます。 このプログラムを通じて各参加企業のイノベーション戦略を刺激することができれば嬉しいです。



HI 2022活動期間:2022年10月~2023年4月

プログラム内容:対面とオンラインを柔軟に取り入れたセミナー、ワークショップ、ものづくり、実験、クリエイティブコミュニティ活動など。 参加企業によるグループプロジェクトの成果を公開する最終シンポジウムが、2023 年 4 月に予定されています。

手法・昨年のプログラムなど、さらなる情報が欲しい方はこちら: https://www.tse.ens.titech.ac.jp/~deepmode/csm/blog/未来を創るhybrid-innovation/
HIプログラム2021のブログ記事はこちら: Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5Session 6Session 7Session 8Session 9, Session 10.

お問い合わせは事務局へ: ogiuchi.s.aa[@半角に変更してください]m.titech.ac.jp あるいは tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

The Tokyo Institute of Technology are hosting a “Hybrid Innovation” programme for key industrial partners for the second year. The programme is held at Nohara Lab, School of Environment and Society, at the Ookayama Campus in central Tokyo. The sessions are developed in collaboration with Central Saint Martins College of the Arts London (CSM).

In this program, companies embody the process to Hybrid Innovation. This merges “multi-communication” to transcend disciplinary boundary, promote the fusion of knowledge and change mindsets. The programme also aims stimulate innovative strategies in each participating company.

The first session of Year 2 was held on Tuesday 18th September 2022. Attendees from the six participating companies engaged in a short lecture, discussions and workshops facilitated by Prof. Kayoko Nohara and supported by selected graduate students. After briefly introducing the concept of “hybrid innovation” in relation to the overall programme, the participants engaged in an active discussion around the theory and practice of “innovation” as perceived individually and communicated by their respective companies. In line with the transdisciplinary approach driving the programme, Prof. Nohara employed linguistic strategies to facilitate the conversation and complement the answers collected on a whiteboard wall.

The discussion was followed by an extensive exercise in visual communication using Lego, which was used to observe and comment on communication and leadership strategies within and between the groups. Participants were invited to continue the discussion and network among each other in the friendly environment created by Nohara Lab at Tokyo Tech.

Activity period: October 2022 to April 2023

PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2023.

More information about the approach and last year’s programme can be found here: https://www.tse.ens.titech.ac.jp/~deepmode/csm/blog/未来を創るhybrid-innovation/
Blogs on last year sessions are available here: Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5Session 6Session 7Session 8Session 9, Session 10.

For info please contact: tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション10

東京工業大学とロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーティンズ校(以下CSM)によるコラボレーションプログラム 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation”の セッション10を2022年3月8日(火)に開催いたしました。

シリーズのラストになるセッション10では辻本将晴教授を迎え、Hybrid Innovationに必要となるエコシステムの設計エクササイズを行いました。参加企業メンバーは、各チームが最終プロジェクトとして考案中のアイディアをエコシステムに落とし込み、プロジェクトを俯瞰的に見渡すことで、実現可能性、オリジナリティなどの検証を行いました。

“Hybrid Innovation”ではアート思考だけでなく、実践的な最新の経営学も取り入れることで、社会の仕組みとの整合生を見極め、新しい仕組みのあり方を考察しています。

本プログラムでは、企業の皆様に、“Hybrid Innovation”へのプロセス、即ち“マルチコミュニケーション”を体現していただき、それぞれの境界を超え、「知の融合」と「発想転換」を体得していただきます。そして、本プログラムへの参画が各企業様のイノベーション創出に繋がっていくことを目指しています。





Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5Session 6Session 7Session 8Session 9.

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

The tenth and final session of the “Hybrid Innovation” collaboration programme between Tokyo Tech and Central Saint Martins College of the Arts London (CSM) was held on Tuesday 8 March 2022.

In Session 10, Professor Masaharu Tsujimoto was invited to conduct an ecosystem design exercise necessary for Hybrid Innovation. Members of the participating companies discussed their ideas for the final project in relation to a possible ecosystem and verified the feasibility of the project by looking at it from a bird’s eye view.

This session integrated artistic and design thinking with practical business management studies to determine the consistency with the social structure and to consider how a new model can be created.

In this program, companies embody the process to Hybrid Innovation. This merges “multi-communication” to transcend disciplinary boundary, promote the fusion of knowledge and change mindsets. The programme also aims stimulate innovative strategies in each participating company.

Activity period: October 2021 to April 2022

PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2022.


You can find blogs on previous sessions here: Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5Session 6Session 7Session 8Session 9.

For info please contact: tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション9

東京工業大学とロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーティンズ校(以下CSM)によるコラボレーションプログラム 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation”の セッション9が、2022年2月22日(火)に開催されました。



本プログラムでは、企業の皆様に、“Hybrid Innovation”へのプロセス、即ち“マルチコミュニケーション”を体現していただき、それぞれの境界を超え、「知の融合」と「発想転換」を体得していただきます。そして本プログラムへの参画が各企業様のイノベーション創出に繋がっていくことを目指しています。





Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5Session 6Session 7Session 8

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

The ninth session of the “Hybrid Innovation” collaboration programme between Tokyo Tech and Central Saint Martins College of the Arts London (CSM) was held on Tuesday 22 February 2022.

In Session 9, Professor Dai Senoo, an expert in management engineering, was invited to conduct an exercise on diversity with the participating companies. In this session, participants used geometric figures to consider combinations from various perspectives, such as shape, color, and number of corners, and discussed their diversity.

In creating diversity, elements considered in making decisions can appear unusual from another person’s perspective. In this exercise, participants practiced the meaning of diversity by using shapes as an example, and learned thinking methods that can be applied to practical work, such as team building within and between companies.

In this program, companies embody the process to Hybrid Innovation. This merges “multi-communication” to transcend disciplinary boundary, promote the fusion of knowledge and change mindsets. The programme also aims stimulate innovative strategies in each participating company.

Activity period: October 2021 to April 2022

PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2022.


You can find blogs on previous sessions here: Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5Session 6Session 7Session 8.

For info please contact: tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション8

未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション8

東京工業大学とロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーティンズ校(以下CSM)によるコラボレーションプログラム 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation”の セッション4が、2021年11月30日(火)に開催されました。


自分の興味があるものを他者に紹介することで、自分とは異なる視線で議論することができます。他者の意見を取り入れつつグループの方向性を決め、これまでのセッションで利用した数々のHybrid Innovationの方法論を用いることで、問題に対し今までにない新しいアプローチをする、下地作りを行いました。

本プログラムでは、参加企業の皆様に、“Hybrid Innovation”へのプロセス、即ち“マルチコミュニケーション“を体現していただき、それぞれの境界を超え、「知の融合」と「発想転換」を体得していただきます。そして、本プログラムへの参画が各企業様のイノベーション創出に繋がっていくことを目指しています。





Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5Session 6Session 7

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

The eight session of the “Hybrid Innovation” collaboration programme between Tokyo Tech and Central Saint Martins College of the Arts London (CSM) was held on Tuesday 1 February 2022.

Session 8 reviewed previous sessions in preparation for the final assignment. Assist. Prof[SG2] . Giorgio Salani provided a theoretical overview of the Hybrid Innovation approach based on academic literature which focused on the limitations of current Design Thinking strategies.

The session kicked-off the Final Project of the programme, for which 4 groups of participants will develop an “intervention” (i.e. a product, service or speculative proposal) by employing Hybrid Innovation strategies for themes assigned by the organisers.

The group decided on a direction for the group while incorporating the opinions of others, and by using the Hybrid Innovation methodology introduced in previous sessions, the group laid the groundwork for a new approach to business innovation and idea generation.

In this program, companies embody the process to Hybrid Innovation. This merges “multi-communication” to transcend disciplinary boundary, promote the fusion of knowledge and change mindsets. The programme also aims stimulate innovative strategies in each participating company.

Activity period: October 2021 to April 2022

PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2022.


You can find blogs on previous sessions here: SessSession 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5Session 6Session 7

For info please contact: tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション7

東京工業大学とロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーティンズ校(以下CSM)のコラボレーションプログラム「未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation”」の セッション7が2022年1月25日(火)に開催されました。



他者との関わりにおいて遭遇する、予期せぬ出来事・物事は、クリエイティビティを理解する上で重要です。“Hybrid Innovation”ではクリエイティビティが何であるかを紐解き、「アーティストのように」考えることで新しい発想を生み出す環境、条件などを企業の皆様と実践し、議論を深めています。

本プログラムでは、企業の皆様に、“Hybrid Innovation”への道筋、即ち“マルチコミュニケーション“を体現していただき、それぞれの境界を超え、「知の融合」と「発想転換」を体得していただきます。そして本プログラムへの参画が各企業様のイノベーション創出に繋がっていくことを目指しています。





Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5Session 6

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

The seventh session of “Hybrid Innovation”, a collaboration programme between Tokyo Tech and Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London (CSM), was held on Tuesday 25 January 2022.

Session 7 invited artist and educator Heather Barnett from CSM to discuss how to create the conditions for hybrid innovation. In corporate work, there is a constant need to engage with team members and many others to generate new ideas. After introducing her work as an artist,  Barnett led activities designed to let the participants experience how to make novel connections by allowing random associations.

Unexpected factors that emerge from interacting with others are an important component in understanding creativity. “Hybrid Innovation” unravelled creativity and deepened the discussion with companies on the environment and conditions for thinking like an artist and creating new ideas in a practical way.

In this programme, companies embody the process to Hybrid Innovation. This merges “multi-communication” to transcend disciplinary boundary, promote the fusion of knowledge and change mindsets. The programme also aims stimulate innovative strategies in each participating company.

Activity period: October 2021 to April 2022

PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2022.


You can find blogs on previous sessions here: Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5Session 6

For info please contact: tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション6

東京工業大学とロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーティンズ校(以下CSM)によるコラボレーションプログラム 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation”の セッション6が2022年1月11日(火)に開催されました。



本プログラムでは、企業の皆様に、“Hybrid Innovation”への道筋、即ち“マルチコミュニケーション“を体現していただき、それぞれの境界を超え、「知の融合」と「発想転換」を体得していただきます。そして本プログラムへの参画が各企業様のイノベーション創出に繋がっていくことを目指しています。





Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

Session 6 of “Hybrid Innovation”, a new collaboration programme between Tokyo Tech and Central Saint Martins College of the Arts London (CSM), was held on Tuesday 11 January 2022.

In Session 6, Prof. Betti Marenko and members of the participating companies discussed various forms of possible futures by utilising methods and concepts of design philosophy. The participants used a tool called Philosophical Pills (co-developed by Prof. Betti Marenko) to construct a multi-directional vision of the future from a single vision by including various factors in their own imagined futures.

Through the activities, the participants acquired knowledge of future forecasting, a necessary component of innovation strategies, and experienced how to think flexibly in response to various future scenarios.

In this program, companies embody the process to Hybrid Innovation. This merges “multi-communication” to transcend disciplinary boundary, promote the fusion of knowledge and change mindsets. The programme also aims stimulate innovative strategies in each participating company.

Activity period: October 2021 to April 2022

PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2022.


You can find blogs on previous sessions here: Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5.

For info please contact: tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション5

東京工業大学とロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーティンズ校(以下CSM)によるコラボレーションプログラム 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation”の セッション5が2022年12月14日(火)に開催されました。



参加企業のメンバーたちと行ったアクティビティでは、言葉だけに頼らず考えを2次元画、及び3次元造形を用いて表現し、素材を通じてそれまで気づかなかった新しい側面を見つけ出しました。本プログラムでは、企業の皆様に、“Hybrid Innovation”への道筋、即ち“マルチコミュニケーション“を体現していただき、それぞれの境界を超え、「知の融合」と「発想転換」を体得していただきます。そして本プログラムへの参画が各企業様のイノベーション創出に繋がっていくことを目指しています。







Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, Session 4

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

The new collaboration programme between Tokyo Institute of Technology and London University of the Arts Central Saint Martins (CSM) continued with the 4th session of our “Hybrid Innovation” programme for selected members of participating companies on Tuesday, 14th December 2021.

Session 5, on the topic of Perspective, welcomed Professor Nathan Cohen from CSM, who discussed the importance of changing perspectives through various artworks.

Just as science and technology have progressed by changing perspectives from the heavenly to the geocentric, by looking at things from a different angle, we can not only see things objectively, but also gain information that we have not been able to obtain before.

In the activities conducted with members of the participating companies, the participants introduced their own ideas without relying only on words, using 2D drawings and 3D models, and discovered new aspects that they had not noticed on their own through the materials.

In this program, companies embody the process to Hybrid Innovation. This merges “multi-communication” to transcend disciplinary boundary, promote the fusion of knowledge and change mindsets. The programme also aims stimulate innovative strategies in each participating company.

Activity period: October 2021 to April 2022

PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2022.


Links to the previous sessions below:

Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, Session 4

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション4

東京工業大学とロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーティンズ校(以下CSM)によるコラボレーションプログラム 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation”の セッション4が、2021年11月30日(火)に開催されました。

セッション4ではナノテクノロジー研究者である原 正彦先生を迎え、問題解決の手法として、アメーバの動きに倣って考える思考実験に挑みました。


不確実な事象を受け入れて対応する力は、Hybrid Innovationの鍵でもあります。私たちは、その仕組みを原始的な生物であるアメーバの動きから読み解き、実践の場で使える方法を参加企業のメンバーたちとともに模索し、ディスカッションを行いました。

Hybrid Innovationプログラムでは、未知の領域へ、翻訳学に基づくコミュニケーション方法を利用してアプローチし、単一の視点からでは見えない新しい可能性を見つけていきます。

本プログラムでは、参加企業の皆様に、“Hybrid Innovation”へのプロセス、即ち“マルチコミュニケーション“を体現していただき、それぞれの境界を超え、「知の融合」と「発想転換」を体得していただきます。そして、本プログラムへの参画が各企業様のイノベーション創出に繋がっていくことを目指しています。






Session 1Session 2Session 3

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

The new collaboration programme between Tokyo Institute of Technology and London University of the Arts Central Saint Martins (CSM) continued with the 4th session of our “Hybrid Innovation” programme for selected members of participating companies on Tuesday, 30th November 2021.

Session 4 welcomed Prof. Masahiko Hara, a researcher in nanotechnology, who conducted a thought experiment on how to solve problems by following the movement of an amoeba.

In today’s age of overflowing and increasingly complex information, events are occurring every day that exceed the amount of information that can be handled by computers. Under such circumstances, many problems have emerged that cannot be dealt with by scientific thinking, which is based on the principle of ‘certainty’ that ‘mistakes cannot be made’. The ability to deal with uncertain events is the key to Hybrid Innovation. We deciphered this mechanism from the movements of the amoeba, a primitive organism, and explored and discussed ways to use it in practice with the participating companies.

The Hybrid Innovation program uses translation-based communication methods to explore approaches to unknown areas to find new possibilities that can be hard to develop within a single industry.

In this program, companies embody the process to Hybrid Innovation. This merges “multi-communication” to transcend disciplinary boundary, promote the fusion of knowledge and change mindsets. The programme also aims stimulate innovative strategies in each participating company.

Activity period: October 2021 to April 2022

PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2022.


Links to the previous sessions below:

Session 1Session 2Session 3

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp