21 Dec 2019: Prof. Nohara as Panelist of the ToDai IIS Forum Design-Led Engineering @Shibuya QWS

Prof. Kayoko Nohara acted as a panelist at the Value Creation Design Forum sponsored by the Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo.

Saturday, December 21, 2019 14: 00-19: 30 @ Shibuya QWS Scramble Hall

Programme – Part 1: Practice and systematization of design-driven engineering

Is a design that links engineering research and future society possible? How?

The speakers introduced recent practices and research cases by DLX Design Lab and discussed design methodology.


Speakers: Yuichi Washida (Hitotsubashi University), Kayoko Nohara (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Toshiki Shinno (The University of Tokyo), Miles Pennington (The University of Tokyo), Yukiko Matsunaga (The University of Tokyo), Mitsuru Muramatsu (The University of Tokyo), Midori Yamazaki (The University of Tokyo), Kensei Miyoshi (The University of Tokyo)

Programme – Part 2: Education for design-driven engineering

What kind of education is needed to develop professionals who can conduct design-driven engineering?

Experts in design engineering education from companies and universities were invited to discuss.
Speakers: Noriko Kamiyama (Dyson), Teruyuki Kaduchi (Osaka University of Arts), Keita Watanabe (Meiji University), Shunji Yamanaka (The University of Tokyo)

More info on the event can be found here

Photos © Shibuya QWS 2019

The Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), the University of Tokyo, is promoting “Value Creation Design (Design-Led X)” based on the concept of “value creation through a fusion of engineering and design perspectives”. We have rediscovered the value of engineering technology from the viewpoint of design and set this approach to give new goals to engineering research: we call it “design-driven engineering”. This is an attempt to significantly change the academic and artistic approaches that currently define this field.

(Photos © Nohara Lab 2019)

価値創造デザインフォーラム 東京大学生産技術研究所(IIS)
2019年12月21日(土)14:00~19:30 @渋谷QWS内スクランブルホール

– 第1部 デザイン駆動工学の実践と体系化

工学研究と未来の社会をつなぐデザインはどのように可能か? DLX Design Labによる最近の実践・研究事例を紹介し、デザインの方法論を議論。
登壇者:鷲田祐一(一橋大学)、野原佳代子(東京工業大学)、新野俊樹(東京大学)、Miles Pennington(東京大学)、松永行子(東京大学)、村松充(東京大学)、山崎みどり(東京大学)、三好賢聖(東京大学)

第2部 デザイン駆動工学のための教育
デザイン駆動工学を実践する人材を育てるためにはどのような教育が必要か? 企業や大学からデザインエンジニアリング教育に関わる方を招き議論。


東京大学生産技術研究所(IIS)は、「工学とデザイン視点の融合による価値創造」をコンセプトとする取り組み『価値創造デザイン(Design-Led X)』を推進しています。

27 Nov 2019: Fake & Reality of Shibuya ~Shibuya Museuming @Shibuya QWS

Shibuya. The city of “symbol” and “abstract”.

Many of us are attracted to the beautiful chaos of ” the fake” and “the real”, but we seldom ask ourselves why. What exactly does “fake” and “real” mean? What is “the fake” and “the real” of Shibuya? Perhaps, it is within this complex entanglement that lies the fascinating truth of the city.

People, architecture, industry, movies, pictures, music, dance, language, discussion… these products of human life seem to add so much value to Shibuya, to the point where Shibuya is no longer just a city… but a “museum”. Shibuya has evolved and always led the forefront of our lives. Only when we face the city can we understand the true value and creativity of our lives.

In this event, we bring you panel discussions with authorities from different creative backgrounds and interactions with the environment.

Fake & Reality of Shibuya ~Shibuya Museuming

Event Information:

♦︎ Date & Time: Wednesday, 27 November 2019   18:30~20:30(Open: 18:00)
♦︎ Venue: CROSS PARK(SHIBUYA QWS)2-24-12, Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Shibuya Scramble Square Ⅰ(East Wing)15F
♦︎ Admission Fee:Free (Pre-registration)
♦︎ Capacity:50 persons
♦︎ Organizer:SHIBUYA QWS, Tokyo Institute of Technology
♦︎ Speakers:
Dr. Ulrike Oberlack (Tokyo Tech World Research Hub Initiative, Specially Appointed Professor, Light and Jewelry Design)
Yoshiaki Nishino (Director of Intermediatheque)
♦︎ Facilitators
Shohei Kawasaki  (Concent, Inc., Editorial Design)
Shogo Egashira  (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Master’s student, Material Engineering/Museology)
♦︎ Coordinators
Norihiro Kawasaki  (Concent, Inc., Graphic Design)
Kayoko Nohara (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Professor, Translation Studies/Communication)

Detailed information  here.

Event Report Summary

PART 1 : Shibuya Museum Concept

  1. Museum in Japan and UK
    – Cultural financial strength of the country, symbol of national power, cultural activity base
    – Example in London: Sense making and storytelling in UK museum (stimulate visitor, create interactive experiences, foster deeper engagement and further thinking)
  2. Extension of Japanese Museum characteristics
    – In term of ability of attracting visitors, Shibuya city stands out as “planned exhibiton”
  3. Breakthrough from “HAKOMONO” restraint
    – Mobile museum in daily space that does not have building, which can be made possible by removing the ‘HAKO’
  4. Creation of value system
    – Museum: accepts all and mixed things of what left behind as a result of human activities
    – It is important to convey subjective things objectively


  • What is the attractive point of Shibuya?
    – FICTION, COPY (mass production), FAKE
    – The real value of what was created by FAKE, just like the other world when seeing Halloween event
    – If novel expressions continuously being brought out, it may become an icon of the awakening city
  • Try to see Shibuya from different angle.
    From participants:
    – “I was impressed that the word ‘Platform’ will be the keyword instead of ‘Museum’ from now on” (Graduate school staff in their 30s)
    – “The space in Shibuya, where I usually come to play casually, has never looked as glittering as it is today” (Teenage college student)
    – “Each topic reminded me of the connection with my daily work.” (Museum curator in his 50s)
    – “Halloween, Mona Lisa, literature… it was interesting because the explanations from various perspectives were connected.” (Railway facilities maintenance staff in their 20s).

Event Reflection

(written by Chihiro Wada, Doctoral student of Tokyo Tech)

Discussion about “Mobile Museum” by Prof. Nishino was very intertesting. I thought it was a good example of an exhibition that was freed from ‘HAKOMONO’ restratint. The “mobile” concept is arguably the keyword of the 21st century, but I was surprised that it extended to museums. If “anywhere” is realized, I would like also realize the “anyone” by exhibiting for free.

I was also impressed that Prof. Nishino said that it was interesting because it was “subjective.” Even in the work of Izumi Kizara, which I am currently analyzing, the main characters are looking at things “subjectively” with a short-sighted eye, so it is important to have something that is not worth looking at “objectively”. What is being discussed about as worthwhile is appearing as irrelevant. What is “real”? It feels like an eternal question that seems both easy and not. Perhaps, the question of “What is it for you? What is it for me? What is it for both you and me?” should also be a set.

I pesonally hate Shibuya, so I do not agree with the discourse that Shibuya is “attractive”. However, I think it is a fact that “a lot of people gather”. When I took a Norwegian friend to Shibuya, I remember (she/he) exclaimed “(So many people!) Very Tokyo!” when seeing Scramble Square. Speaking of “Japanese culture”, I personally think that the conflict between the dynasty culture of Kyoto and merchant culture of Edo is interesting. So when I talk about “Japanese culture”, by connecting the broadcast between Kyoto and Shibuya, talking in “Shibuya” seems make the significance come into view.

QWSアカデミア(東工大 presents):Fake & Reality of Shibuya ~渋谷を博物館にする by 野原研
日時 : 2019年11月27日 18:30-20:30
場所 : Shibuya Scramble Square 15階 Shibuya QWS 内CROSS PARK
一般参加者 : 73名
参加費: 無料


西野 嘉章(インターメディアテク館長)
野原 佳代子 (東工大教授 翻訳学・コミュニケーション)
Dr. Ulrike Oberlack (東工大WRHI特任教授 光とジュエリーデザイン)
江頭 昇吾(東工大 修士課程学生 材料工学/博物館学)
川崎 昌平(株式会社コンセント 編集デザイン)


PART 1 : 渋谷 MUSEUM構想
・ロンドンの例 Sense making and storytelling in UK museum
2. 日本のMUSEUM特性の延長線
3. ハコモノ拘束からの打開
4. 価値体系の創造

―FICTION 虚構性 ―COPY 量産 ―FAKE 偽物
・これからはMuseumではなくPlatformという言葉がキーワードになるということが印象に残った。(30代 大学院職員)
・普段何気なく遊びに来ている渋谷の空間が今日ほどキラキラしたものに見えたときはない。(10代 大学生)
・1つ1つの話題に日々の仕事とのつながりが想起された。(50代 美術館学芸員)
・ハロウィン、モナリザ、文学…様々な視点からの説明がつながり、面白かった。(20代 鉄道系施設メンテナンス)




東工大 和田千寛