Narrativisation by a UX designer ~on Finale of the Existential Wearables Project

A report/Narrativisation from UX Designer of the Existential Wearables Event
(29 Sept, 2018 @ Shibuya Hikarie)

“What people are going to wear in Tokyo in ten years” is an stimulating question.

We are trying to put into real designs the ideas and dialogues about people who we have not met and a new age no one has even seen.

It is difficult to predict the future in our age. The economics world called it “VUCA” age. Originally a military jargon, “VUCA” takes the caption letters from”Volatility”, “Uncertainty”, “Complexity”, and “Ambiguity”.

In this kind of complexity and diversity, “dialogue” attracts our attention. Dialogues lead to new discoveries, new ideas, and understanding/meaning of one’s self and relation with the wider society. This process is called “emergence”.

Mental model of this process to create meanings can be roughly divided into the following three:
1) Mental model to create human beings (religion, philosophy, ethics and morality)
2) Mental model to convey authority and history (legends, folklores)
3) Mental model in the field of learning, guiding, and counseling.

There are differences in these models among the individuals and collective groups. Complete sharing of mental model is difficult. Through hearing and sharing, however, similar mental models take shapes. The elements to lead to this kind of sharing and sense of sympathy include “reality”, “believability”, “feasibility”, “relatable”, “attention”, “attraction”. This process diverges from “embedded narrative” and is called “emergent narrative”. It is exactly this mechanism that bridges sense of sympathy with others with new ideas.

UX Design also constructs dialogues with its pre-assumed users and customers. Through systems of software designs and engineering, dialogues will be facilitated and barriers of operation will be lessen. It wishes to build more convenient tools and better relationship that meet the needs of the future.

Gen Tatsumi, UX Designer

2018年9月29日 実存ウェアラブルプロジェクト 第1フェーズフィナーレ@渋谷ヒカリエによせて


10年後の東京とは、どのような人が住み、どのような環境、社会を形成しているのだろうか?「Existential Wearable」実存的ウェアラブル、まだ存在はしないが未来には存在しうる着衣物とは、一体どんなものなのか?






そのため完全な情報の共有というのは難しい。しかし人の体験談をメンタルモデルとして聞くことで、近いメンタルモデルが自身に形成される。これは、語りの内容(要素)が、自身が体験したこととオーバーラップまたは、あたかも体験したかのように感じることがあるはずである。この共感を誘発する要素として、Reality(追体験の誘発)、Believability(没入感の構築)、Feasibility(臨場感の構築)、Relatable(世界観の構築)、Attention(存在感の構築)、Attraction(物語の構成)があり、これらの要素を強く感じることで、語りは強化され、他者との強い共感が生まれる。これはEmbedded Narative(あらかじめ用意された物語)から、Emergent Narrative(創発される物語)が作られる工程であり、このメカニズムが機能しなければ、他者との共感から新しいアイデアは生まれないのだろう。


しかし、このプロジェクトに参加し、アドバイザーという立場ながら、多くの学びを得ることができた。デザイナーである僕も、ナラティブなデザインにおいては当事者であり、自分の内面、知見を語ることで、ユーザーと解決策を創発していく、Embedded NarativeからEmergent Narrativeへのプロセスと仕組みの設計に取り組むという新しい課題も生まれた。


立見 元 UXデザイナー
Microsoftで、Microsoft OfficeのUIデザイナーとして7年の修行を経て、株式会社OPTiMのデザイン部門の創設、IoTとAIプラットフォームとサービス群の開発、会社ブランディングなどを担当し、2018年から株式会社PIVOT R&D部門のUXデザイナーとして、「ちょっと世の中を便利にするしくみ」を研究している。



29 Sept 2018: Existential Wearables Project Finale

On The Existential Wearables Project

Metaphor of Technology and Performance

With the theme, “what people are going to wear in Tokyo in ten years”, students and those working in varying fields in the society formed three teams and participated in the hackathon. Before the event, sharing of the foundational viewpoints of the project was also held. It was a sharing of a question of the actual being of human life. The hackathon was carried out to find answers to “what is life” and “what is the life form when the concrete bodies are attached with machines in the modern society.”

The products of the teamwork may look crude at the first sight but they are actually suggestive metaphor for future technology. When the prototype was put on the body, we will also realize its performativity. This “performativity” is also a performance of culture, encompassing anthropological insights and artistic expression. In addition, as revealed by performance studies by Richard Schechner and John MacAloon, we can also find the narrativity (self-reflection) and boundary (between daily and non-daily) in this “performativity”.

Life forms and Technology

The products of the teams are as following. Team A conceived a kind of clothes to incorporate in wind. Team B designed a kind of nose device that sells health information from the nasal mucosa. Team C produced a kind of mask that offers the face consolation and defense. They proposed air, mucosa, skin of face as varying types of interface to directly mediate the inside and outside of the life forms.
Incorporating air, the design of Team A aimed at something beyond saving the weight of clothes. The idea was to circulate the win inside of the clothes and the outside environment – a kind of wind that plays with the clothes. The performance also attracted imagination and presented beautifully a life form of circulations across the boundaries of the bodies. Team B revealed a near-future technology. It aimed not at controlling of the health information but was based on a vision that one’s health information can serve as be sold. The performance showed the full energy of agency and a spirit of challenge. Team C pursued a strong wall to cut off the outside environment and the wearer. Their performance shared with the Japanese Noh masks and revealed a sense of tranquility. I can already feel its potential to be used in business scenes.

Task to Cope with or Integrate with Society of Risks

Although the three teams showed their differences in the directions, they vividly reflect the issues of the mega city, Tokyo. We can see the uncertainty and insecurity from the life forms when facing the “society of risks”. According to sociologist, Ulrich Beck, “risk” is different from “danger”. Rather than dangers such as natural disasters, “risks” refer to those due to human actions, for example, environmental issues, nuclear power, manipulation of genes, and abuse of data. The responsible actor is the individuals (This is also called “individualization”.) This is the actuality of “society of risks”. It requires every individual’s to proactively act for social reformation. To realize the real “safety and security”, individual’s participation and social inclusion becomes urgent in our time.

Technology used to control risks to free the life forms from surveillance. Media theorist KITANO Keisuke proposed that “control” should be translated as “manage (kanri)” rather than “control (seigyo)” in Japanese (Kitano, Control and Society or Seigyo to shakai). This kind of “control”, as presented in this hackathon, can be seen as individuals’ control of technology out of awareness to facilitate circulation among inside and out of bodies and proactively “sell” one’s health information. If we “integrate” the designs of the three teams, we can also see a kind of “internal tranquility” sustained in the imagined future. Throughout the process of the performance, image, affection, and unconsciousness without verbalization can also be observed. They managed to be turned into the prototypes under controls. Technology and performance are deeply intertwined. It is this kind of intimate relationship that gave birth to real “safety and security”.

(by: TSUDA Hiroshi)

Event Documentation:

(Photos © Nohara Lab 2018)


チームの成果物は、一見稚拙にみえるが、未来テクノロジーへの示唆的なメタファーであること、またプロトタイプを身につけた瞬間、パーフォーマティヴであることが重要である。後者の「パフォーマティヴである」とは、文化的パフォーマンスである。そこに人類学の見識とアート表現が内在していることはよく知られている。さらには、物語性(自己省察)、境界性(日常と非日常の中間)をしめすことも知られている(パフォーマンス研究、Richard Schechner、John MacAloon)。


3チームはそれぞれ方向性は違う。しかしみな巨大都市東京の課題を反映していないだろうか。とりわけ「リスク社会」と呼ばれる生命体の制御不能への不安が見て取れる。社会学者のベック(Ulrich Beck)によれば、リスクriskは危険dangerとは違う。自然災害のような危険ではなく、環境問題、原発、遺伝子操作、データ乱用などの人為的営為によって起きるもの、それがリスクである。しかも、そのリスクの責任は最終的に個人がとるはめになる(「個人化」と呼ばれる)。これが「リスク社会」である。そのため、個人は積極的にリスク社会の改革行為が求められる。本当の「安心、安全」を実現するには、個人の社会参加、社会包摂が必要となるのが現在であろう。

文章: 津田広志