未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション8

未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション8

東京工業大学とロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーティンズ校(以下CSM)によるコラボレーションプログラム 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation”の セッション4が、2021年11月30日(火)に開催されました。


自分の興味があるものを他者に紹介することで、自分とは異なる視線で議論することができます。他者の意見を取り入れつつグループの方向性を決め、これまでのセッションで利用した数々のHybrid Innovationの方法論を用いることで、問題に対し今までにない新しいアプローチをする、下地作りを行いました。

本プログラムでは、参加企業の皆様に、“Hybrid Innovation”へのプロセス、即ち“マルチコミュニケーション“を体現していただき、それぞれの境界を超え、「知の融合」と「発想転換」を体得していただきます。そして、本プログラムへの参画が各企業様のイノベーション創出に繋がっていくことを目指しています。





Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5Session 6Session 7

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

The eight session of the “Hybrid Innovation” collaboration programme between Tokyo Tech and Central Saint Martins College of the Arts London (CSM) was held on Tuesday 1 February 2022.

Session 8 reviewed previous sessions in preparation for the final assignment. Assist. Prof[SG2] . Giorgio Salani provided a theoretical overview of the Hybrid Innovation approach based on academic literature which focused on the limitations of current Design Thinking strategies.

The session kicked-off the Final Project of the programme, for which 4 groups of participants will develop an “intervention” (i.e. a product, service or speculative proposal) by employing Hybrid Innovation strategies for themes assigned by the organisers.

The group decided on a direction for the group while incorporating the opinions of others, and by using the Hybrid Innovation methodology introduced in previous sessions, the group laid the groundwork for a new approach to business innovation and idea generation.

In this program, companies embody the process to Hybrid Innovation. This merges “multi-communication” to transcend disciplinary boundary, promote the fusion of knowledge and change mindsets. The programme also aims stimulate innovative strategies in each participating company.

Activity period: October 2021 to April 2022

PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2022.


You can find blogs on previous sessions here: SessSession 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5Session 6Session 7

For info please contact: tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション7

東京工業大学とロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーティンズ校(以下CSM)のコラボレーションプログラム「未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation”」の セッション7が2022年1月25日(火)に開催されました。



他者との関わりにおいて遭遇する、予期せぬ出来事・物事は、クリエイティビティを理解する上で重要です。“Hybrid Innovation”ではクリエイティビティが何であるかを紐解き、「アーティストのように」考えることで新しい発想を生み出す環境、条件などを企業の皆様と実践し、議論を深めています。

本プログラムでは、企業の皆様に、“Hybrid Innovation”への道筋、即ち“マルチコミュニケーション“を体現していただき、それぞれの境界を超え、「知の融合」と「発想転換」を体得していただきます。そして本プログラムへの参画が各企業様のイノベーション創出に繋がっていくことを目指しています。





Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5Session 6

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

The seventh session of “Hybrid Innovation”, a collaboration programme between Tokyo Tech and Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London (CSM), was held on Tuesday 25 January 2022.

Session 7 invited artist and educator Heather Barnett from CSM to discuss how to create the conditions for hybrid innovation. In corporate work, there is a constant need to engage with team members and many others to generate new ideas. After introducing her work as an artist,  Barnett led activities designed to let the participants experience how to make novel connections by allowing random associations.

Unexpected factors that emerge from interacting with others are an important component in understanding creativity. “Hybrid Innovation” unravelled creativity and deepened the discussion with companies on the environment and conditions for thinking like an artist and creating new ideas in a practical way.

In this programme, companies embody the process to Hybrid Innovation. This merges “multi-communication” to transcend disciplinary boundary, promote the fusion of knowledge and change mindsets. The programme also aims stimulate innovative strategies in each participating company.

Activity period: October 2021 to April 2022

PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2022.


You can find blogs on previous sessions here: Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5Session 6

For info please contact: tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション6

東京工業大学とロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーティンズ校(以下CSM)によるコラボレーションプログラム 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation”の セッション6が2022年1月11日(火)に開催されました。



本プログラムでは、企業の皆様に、“Hybrid Innovation”への道筋、即ち“マルチコミュニケーション“を体現していただき、それぞれの境界を超え、「知の融合」と「発想転換」を体得していただきます。そして本プログラムへの参画が各企業様のイノベーション創出に繋がっていくことを目指しています。





Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

Session 6 of “Hybrid Innovation”, a new collaboration programme between Tokyo Tech and Central Saint Martins College of the Arts London (CSM), was held on Tuesday 11 January 2022.

In Session 6, Prof. Betti Marenko and members of the participating companies discussed various forms of possible futures by utilising methods and concepts of design philosophy. The participants used a tool called Philosophical Pills (co-developed by Prof. Betti Marenko) to construct a multi-directional vision of the future from a single vision by including various factors in their own imagined futures.

Through the activities, the participants acquired knowledge of future forecasting, a necessary component of innovation strategies, and experienced how to think flexibly in response to various future scenarios.

In this program, companies embody the process to Hybrid Innovation. This merges “multi-communication” to transcend disciplinary boundary, promote the fusion of knowledge and change mindsets. The programme also aims stimulate innovative strategies in each participating company.

Activity period: October 2021 to April 2022

PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2022.


You can find blogs on previous sessions here: Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5.

For info please contact: tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション5

東京工業大学とロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーティンズ校(以下CSM)によるコラボレーションプログラム 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation”の セッション5が2022年12月14日(火)に開催されました。



参加企業のメンバーたちと行ったアクティビティでは、言葉だけに頼らず考えを2次元画、及び3次元造形を用いて表現し、素材を通じてそれまで気づかなかった新しい側面を見つけ出しました。本プログラムでは、企業の皆様に、“Hybrid Innovation”への道筋、即ち“マルチコミュニケーション“を体現していただき、それぞれの境界を超え、「知の融合」と「発想転換」を体得していただきます。そして本プログラムへの参画が各企業様のイノベーション創出に繋がっていくことを目指しています。







Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, Session 4

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

The new collaboration programme between Tokyo Institute of Technology and London University of the Arts Central Saint Martins (CSM) continued with the 4th session of our “Hybrid Innovation” programme for selected members of participating companies on Tuesday, 14th December 2021.

Session 5, on the topic of Perspective, welcomed Professor Nathan Cohen from CSM, who discussed the importance of changing perspectives through various artworks.

Just as science and technology have progressed by changing perspectives from the heavenly to the geocentric, by looking at things from a different angle, we can not only see things objectively, but also gain information that we have not been able to obtain before.

In the activities conducted with members of the participating companies, the participants introduced their own ideas without relying only on words, using 2D drawings and 3D models, and discovered new aspects that they had not noticed on their own through the materials.

In this program, companies embody the process to Hybrid Innovation. This merges “multi-communication” to transcend disciplinary boundary, promote the fusion of knowledge and change mindsets. The programme also aims stimulate innovative strategies in each participating company.

Activity period: October 2021 to April 2022

PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2022.


Links to the previous sessions below:

Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, Session 4

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション4

東京工業大学とロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーティンズ校(以下CSM)によるコラボレーションプログラム 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation”の セッション4が、2021年11月30日(火)に開催されました。

セッション4ではナノテクノロジー研究者である原 正彦先生を迎え、問題解決の手法として、アメーバの動きに倣って考える思考実験に挑みました。


不確実な事象を受け入れて対応する力は、Hybrid Innovationの鍵でもあります。私たちは、その仕組みを原始的な生物であるアメーバの動きから読み解き、実践の場で使える方法を参加企業のメンバーたちとともに模索し、ディスカッションを行いました。

Hybrid Innovationプログラムでは、未知の領域へ、翻訳学に基づくコミュニケーション方法を利用してアプローチし、単一の視点からでは見えない新しい可能性を見つけていきます。

本プログラムでは、参加企業の皆様に、“Hybrid Innovation”へのプロセス、即ち“マルチコミュニケーション“を体現していただき、それぞれの境界を超え、「知の融合」と「発想転換」を体得していただきます。そして、本プログラムへの参画が各企業様のイノベーション創出に繋がっていくことを目指しています。






Session 1Session 2Session 3

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

The new collaboration programme between Tokyo Institute of Technology and London University of the Arts Central Saint Martins (CSM) continued with the 4th session of our “Hybrid Innovation” programme for selected members of participating companies on Tuesday, 30th November 2021.

Session 4 welcomed Prof. Masahiko Hara, a researcher in nanotechnology, who conducted a thought experiment on how to solve problems by following the movement of an amoeba.

In today’s age of overflowing and increasingly complex information, events are occurring every day that exceed the amount of information that can be handled by computers. Under such circumstances, many problems have emerged that cannot be dealt with by scientific thinking, which is based on the principle of ‘certainty’ that ‘mistakes cannot be made’. The ability to deal with uncertain events is the key to Hybrid Innovation. We deciphered this mechanism from the movements of the amoeba, a primitive organism, and explored and discussed ways to use it in practice with the participating companies.

The Hybrid Innovation program uses translation-based communication methods to explore approaches to unknown areas to find new possibilities that can be hard to develop within a single industry.

In this program, companies embody the process to Hybrid Innovation. This merges “multi-communication” to transcend disciplinary boundary, promote the fusion of knowledge and change mindsets. The programme also aims stimulate innovative strategies in each participating company.

Activity period: October 2021 to April 2022

PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2022.


Links to the previous sessions below:

Session 1Session 2Session 3

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

WRHI releases new STADHI video

The World Research Hub Initiative at Tokyo Tech (WRHI) have released a new set of videos outlining the work of its Satellite Labs. A complete English transcript and more info can be found below the video.


STADHI is a transdisciplinary research group based at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) in close collaboration with Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London (UK). Activities are funded by WRHI, the World Research Hub Initiative, an innovative research platform at Tokyo Tech. A number of renowned natural and social scientists, engineers, world famous designers and artists are actively involved in the collaborative research activities.

STADHI stands for Science and Technology and Art and Design Hybrid Innovation. This laboratory aims to pursue a space for academic fusion that reconsiders the conceptual mindsets that we researchers have unconsciously come to accept. We are working on a theoretical model of the processes that promote the integration of science technology art and design so that it can be applied to transdisciplinary research education and human resource development. We also accommodate subject-specific research projects, including speculative arts and design activities using the framework of “scientists in residence”, and research on craft and sustainability, olfactory devices and service development.

My specialisation is in translation studies and semiotics. The role of translation in this research project is immense. Translation is transferring meaning from one language or semiotic system to another. It is all about making a new otherwise difficult communication possible as it connects the people and discussions between very different cultures and disciplines. We utilize a variety of scientific and art strategies to observe and analyse the emerging integration of science and art, as well as translation strategies and other analytical tools.

We publish academic articles on specialist transdisciplinary subjects and on the hybrid research methodologies employed. We issue videos on our findings and also create original artwork and multimedia material from the fusion of art and design with science and technology, and we disseminate processes and findings through events and blog posts. In our research we work very closely with a small team of researchers and professors from Central Saint Martins in London. In particular, Betti Marenko who is a philosopher and design theorist, Heather Barnett who is an artist and teaches art and science at Central Saint Martins, and Nathan Cohen who is doing research on olfactory art.

STADHI has built the future-building hybrid innovation programme, comprising STEAM-type development modules for education and human resources based on the outcomes of the studies we have produced. We are now working with those new collaborators from the industries to achieve further insights through tackling complex social issues with a hybrid innovation model.

Thank you for your interest in our research.

未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション3

東京工業大学とロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーティンズ校(以下CSM)とのコラボレーションプログラム 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation”の セッション3が2021年11月16日(火)に開催されました。



Hybrid Innovationプログラムでは、翻訳学に基づいたコミュニケーション方法を用いて、未知の領域へアプローチし、単一の視点からは見えない新しい可能性を見つけていきます。

本プログラムでは、企業の皆様に、“Hybrid Innovation”へのプロセス、即ち“マルチコミュニケーション“を体現していただきき、それぞれの境界を超え、「知の融合」と「発想転換」を体得していただききます。そして、本プログラムへの参画が各企業様のイノベーション創出に繋がっていくことを目指しています。






Session 1Session 2

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

The new collaboration programme between Tokyo Institute of Technology and London University of the Arts Central Saint Martins (CSM) continued with the third session of our “Hybrid Innovation” programme for selected members of participating companies on Tuesday, 16th November, 2021.

In Session 3, we held a group discussion on NFT art. We considered the various possibilities of the unexplored NFT art market and asked the groups to give a presentation. The activities employed the team building methodologies explored in Session 2, covering how to come up with ideas for unexplored areas that the new team will challenge. The exercise focused on using translation strategies to not only bring together but also grow different opinions across different industries.

The Hybrid Innovation program uses translation-based communication methods to explore approaches to unknown areas to find new possibilities that can be hard to develop within a single industry.

In this program, companies embody the process to Hybrid Innovation. This merges “multi-communication” to transcend disciplinary boundary, promote the fusion of knowledge and change mindsets. The programme also aims stimulate innovative strategies in each participating company.

Activity period: October 2021 to April 2022

PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2022.


Links to the previous sessions below:

Session 1Session 2

E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション2

東京工業大学とロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーティンズ校(以下CSM)のコラボレーションプログラム 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation”の セッション2が、2021年10月26日(火)に開催されました。


セッション2では前回セッションに引き続き、ハイブリッド・イノベーションの方法論として学際性と開放性の必要性について議論しました。今回はCSMからMA Innovation Managementのコースリーダー、トゥーッカ・トイボネンを迎え、Hybrid Innovationを可能にしアイディアが育つためのチーム作りのエクササイズを行いました。


東工大野原研究室のSTADHIサテライトラボにて開催。対面とオンラインのハイフレックス方式です。Miro board を使用し、セッションすべての情報を集約することで、交流を促進していきました。コミュニケーションのハイブリッド化・思考のハイブリット化を目指し、実戦に役立つツールの開発を参加企業の方々と共に行っていきます。

本プログラムでは、企業の皆様に、“Hybrid Innovation”へのプロセス、即ち“マルチコミュニケーション”を体現していただき、それぞれの境界を超え、「知の融合」と「発想転換」を体得していただききます。そして、本プログラムへの参画が各企業様のイノベーション創出に繋がっていくことを目指しています。


デザイナー、エンジニアを含めた運営陣が、総勢20名を超える参加者と協力しHybrid Innovationの方法論の確立を目指します。本プログラムを通して、科学的思考だけでは見えなかった新しいイノベーションの可能性を東京工業大学、CSM、各参加企業の方々とともに構築し、産業および社会発展の糧となる研究を続けていきます。

活動期間:    2021年10月~2022年4月

STADHI 事務局 E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

プログラム内容:   対面/オンラインを柔軟に用いたセミナー、ワークショップ、ものづくり、実験、クリエイティブコミュニティ活動など。成果発表の場として最終シンポジウムも開催します。



Session 1

Creating the Future “Hybrid Innovation”, Session 2

The second session of our Hybrid Innovation programme for industry was attended on Tuesday 26th October 2021 by selected members of the participating companies. This series of events led by scholars from Tokyo Tech and Central Saint Martins (University of the Arts London, UK) explore a new approach to business innovation, developed by the two institutions to respond to complex challenges faced by 21st c. society. Following an introduction session on the need for methodological transdisciplinarity and openness, the second event covered the need to build teams and organisational cultures that can enable Hybrid Innovation. Dr Tuukka Toivonen, Course Leader of MA Innovation Management at CSM, gave an inspiring talk and led a team-building exercise to develop ideas and assimilate key concepts.

The social, environmental and economic problems facing contemporary society require new approaches built on the power of transdisciplinarity. In this context, companies can increase resilience and creativity by constructing diverse teams and using communication strategies to turn ideas into reality. An interactive exercise based on real-case scenarios provided the context for simulation and discussion between lecturers and participants.  

The session was held at the STADHI office at Nohara Lab, Tokyo Tech, with participants joining both in person and online. In line with all events in the programme, a Miro board was used to facilitate interactions and collate all information related to the session.

By inviting experts in their respective fields – engineers and scientists from Tokyo Institute of Technology, artists and designers from CSM – the programme offers participating companies a broader perspective to discuss ways to integrate different fields. Future events will continue continue the exchange between Tokyo Tech, CSM and the participating companies to develop new possibilities for innovation that are not achievable through scientific thinking alone, and to continue research that will feed future industrial and social development.

Read more on the programme in general here.

Links to the previous sessions below:

Session 1


離れていても鉄道を楽しめますか?360度動画で鉄道乗車体験 ~QWSアカデミア(東京工業大学)~

[Please see below for information in English]

東京工業大学環境・社会理工学院融合理工学系ではロンドン芸術大学 セントラル・セント・マーチンズ校との共催、いすみ鉄道株式会社協力のもと360度動画で鉄道乗車体験イベントを行います。




渋谷区渋谷2-24-12 渋谷スクランブルスクエア15階 SHIBUYA QWS内 PLAY GROUND



Can I enjoy the train even if I’m away? Train ride experience with 360-degree video

Rail operators are facing difficult working conditions as the number of passengers using the railways has decreased due to people refraining from going out due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. In response, this event will carry out a satellite experiment on railways to examine the possibility of a service that would allow people to enjoy railways even when they are away from the train without boarding. In the experiment, participants will watch a 360-degree video showing a train window view of the Isumi Railway running on the Boso Peninsula in Chiba Prefecture, and we will analyse the effects of the presence and combination of scents and sounds on their emotional state and willingness to pay.

Nov 8 – Nov 12, 2021
11:00 AM – 6:00 PM JST
SHIBUYA QWS (渋谷キューズ)

For more information and tickets visit: https://20211108academia.peatix.com/

未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション1

東京工業大学とロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーティンズ校(以下CSM)の新しいコラボレーションプログラム 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation”の セッション1が2021年10月12日(火)に開催されました。

本プログラムでは、企業の皆様に、“Hybrid Innovation”へのプロセス、即ち“マルチコミュニケーション”を体現していただき、それぞれの境界を超え、「知の融合」と「発想転換」を体得していただききます。そして、本プログラムへの参画が各企業様のイノベーション創出に繋がっていくことを目指しています。


デザイナーやエンジニアを含めた運営陣が、総勢20名を超える参加者と、Hybrid Innovationに役立つ方法論の確立を目指しています。本プログラムを通して、科学的思考だけでは見えなかった新しいイノベーションの可能性を、東京工業大学×CSMが各参加企業の方々とともに構築し、産業および社会発展の糧となる研究を続けていきます。

活動期間:    2021年10月~2022年4月

プログラム内容:   対面/オンラインを柔軟に用いたセミナー、ワークショップ、ものづくり、実験、クリエイティブコミュニティ活動など。成果発表の場として最終シンポジウムも開催します。




E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

The Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) and Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London (CSM) held the first session of the new collaborative programme Creating the Future “Hybrid Innovation” on Tuesday 12 October 2021.

In this program, we invite companies to embody the process of “Hybrid Innovation”, i.e. multi-communication, to transcend the boundaries of each company and to learn how to “fuse knowledge” and change ideas. We hope that the participation in this programme will lead to the promotion of innovative practices in the companies.

By inviting experts in their fields – engineers and scientists from Tokyo Institute of Technology, artists and designers from CSM – we give participating companies a broader perspective and advocate a methodology of interdisciplinary fusion. We are also building new ways of collaboration, such as interactive discussions that can be joined online or face-to-face, in order to respond to post-Covid working conditions.

The program is organized by 5 members of Nohara Lab at Tokyo Tech including designers and engineers, and aims to establish a uniform methodology that can be used in future Hybrid Innovation with more than 20 participants. Through this program, the Tokyo Institute of Technology, CSM and the participating companies work together to develop new possibilities for innovation that have not been seen with scientific thinking alone, and to continue research that will feed future industrial and social development.

Period of activity:   October 2021 – April 2022

Content of the programme: seminars, workshops, making, experiments and creative community activities using flexible face-to-face and online formats. There will also be a final symposium (open to participating companies and the public).

PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2022.


E-mail : tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp