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- Corresponding students: Students graduating in September 2019
- Submission of documents
- Required documents: Main text of thesis and Extended abstract (4 pages) in English or Japanese
- Submit:
(You can submit separately and replace until the deadline.)
- Deadline: 5 PM, JULY 31st (WED), 2019 for both documents
- File format
- **Format for Extended Abstract** Download here.
- File type: one PDF for each document (Do NOT submit doc or docx files)
- File name: StudentnumberFamilyname.pdf (e.g. 18M12345Isono.pdf)
(Do NOT use Chinese characters for your family name, write it in Alphabet)
- Final presentation
- Dates: AUGUST 7th (WED), 2019
- Time: all day
- Venues: Room G311, Bldg.G3, Suzukakedai campus
- Program here
- Language: Presentation in English, Discussion in English or Japanese
- Time Allocation: 12 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for Q&A, 1 minute for alternation and preparation
- PC: Bring your own or lab’s laptop that has a VGA or HDMI outlet. Check the compatibility with the projector in advance.
- Handout:
- 35 copies of your presentation slide should be prepared and distributed to the faculty members just prior to your presentation with the assistance of your laboratory members.
- The maximum number of the paper distributed should be limited within 2 sheets in two-sided printing
- A correspondence table of technical terms between English and Japanese should be appended in the last slide
- Inquires
- Date & Time August 6th (TUE), 2019, 10:45am – 12:15pm
- Venue: B02-05, Ishikawadai Bldg 4, Ookayama Campus
- Presentation
- Format: Poster presentation
- Language: English
- Size and number of sheet
- ONE sheet in A1 size, for each course with 1 credit or 2 credits
- TWO sheets in A1 size for each course with 4 credits
- Presentation contents (They should be presented clearly.)
- Your activity and/or experience including background,objective and achievement/conclusion
- What you learned or were trained?
- What challenges/learning/training do you still need based on your activity/experience?
- Registration at
- Deadline for registration: 5pm, July 30th (TUE), 2019
- Report
- Submit a report after the presentation.
- Content should include reply to the questions for your presentation as well as the content of questions you asked for other presentations.
- There is no format for the report in English or Japanese.
- Deadline: 5pm, August 20th (TUE), 2019
- Submit to: Supervisor
- Inquiry: