Name: Mr. Takuhi Hara (alumnus of Takeshita Lab)
Date and Time: August 2, 13:00-14:30
Manager: Prof. Kiyohiko Nakasaki
Online participation (Zoom pre-registration):
Name: Mr. Takuhi Hara (alumnus of Takeshita Lab)
Date & Time: 9:00 AM onwards, August 3, 2022
Venue: Online (Zoom meeting)
Eligible Activity: It is only allowed to register activities that were conducted within 1 year. Also, doctoral course students cannot register the activities during the master’s course except for the application for the “Doctoral Recurrent Program”.
Program: Click here
Presentation contents (following items should be clearly presented)
If you want to register multiple courses, please register separately. However, you cannot register multiple courses with the same activity (for example, you cannot get credit for both of Global Engineering Off-Campus Project and ALP Overseas Training for the same overseas activity. Also, you cannot register two of Global Engineering International Workshop even if you make two presentations in a single conference).
Deadline for registration: 5 pm, July 27, 2022
Inquiry: Takashi Nakamura: nakamura.t.av[at] (*Please change [at] to @)
1. Final Presentation (Face-to-face, subject to change)
August 4, 2022 (Programme to be announced)
– Time Allocation: 17 minutes for each presentation, including 5 minutes
for Q&A
– Language: Presentation in English, Discussion in English or Japanese.
– Venue: Face-to-face at Suzukakedai-campus but you can participate online if your supervisor agrees in advance. See the program for the registration link.
– Program: Click here to access the program. Keep checking the program for changes until the day of the presentation.
– Time allotment: : 12 minutes for each presentation, plus 5 minutes (or 8 minutes for students applying for the doctoral course) for Q&A
– Submission method: upload your presentation slides to BOX accessible from the link below (to upload only) by 17:00, 3rd August 2022.
2. Submission of documents
– Required documents: Main thesis document and an extended abstract (4 pages) written in English or Japanese
– Deadline: 17:00, July 28th (Thu) 2022 for both documents
– Format of Extended Abstract: Click here to download the template.
– File type: Separate PDF files for each document
– Submission method: upload your documents through the link
link below (note: upload only)
3. Additional instructions about the documents
Filename of your main thesis document: StudentnumberFamilynameMT.pdf (e.g.
Filename of your extended abstract: StudentnumberFamilynameAB.pdf (e.g. 20M12345NoharaAB.pdf)
You can upload only once. However, if you want to resubmit the file, you can upload the revised document by affixing a revision number at the end of the filename (e.g. 20M12345NoharaAB-R1.pdf).
DO NOT use Kanji or Chinese characters for your name (write in Roman Alphabet).
Doctoral thesis presentations under the GEDES program will be held on July 6 and 7, 2022.
For specific details on the schedule and attendance procedures, please click the link below: