- Eligible Students
Students enrolled in April 2020. If you have not enrolled in this period but apply for the interim presentation, explain the reason you apply this time in the comment section in the registration site. - Schedule, Venue and Procedure of Presentation
- Date & Time: 9:00am – 10:30am (tentative), February 16th (Tuesday), 2021
- Venue: online (Zoom meeting)
- Language: English
- Procedure: Each presenter has a total of 15 minutes (5 min. for oral presentation using slides, 5 min. for discussion with other students, and 5 min. for discussion with faculty members)
- Material: PowerPoint A4 (Landscape) or similar size in English.
- The PDF file of your presentation material needs to be submitted (uploaded) in advance. The detail information will be sent by e-mail.
- Registration
- Register from https://forms.gle/7LTVJ7DeTc5xy8PY8
- Deadline: 5pm, January 29, 2021
NOTE: If you do not make registration by the due date, you can not make presentation.
- Program: 210216GEDES_Interim_M
- Inquiry
GEDES office
Month: January 2021
GEDES Doctoral Students Interim Presentation, February 16th 2021
- Eligible Students
Students who enrolled in the following seasons are qualified.- April 2019
- September 2019
- April 2020
Students are required to make an interim presentation JUST ONCE. If you already made it, you do not have to do it more. Please consult with your supervisor whether you have to apply or not at this time. If you have not enrolled in the above seasons and apply for this presentation, please explain the reason you apply in the comment section in the registration site.
- Schedule, Venue and Presentation
- Date & Time: 10:45am-12:15am (tentative), February 16th (Tuesday), 2021
- Venue: online (Zoom meeting)
- Language: English
- Procedure:
- Brief introduction of each study in a single meeting room
- Introduce the outline of your study (including Background/Purpose, Methodology and Progress)
- Time: 2 Minutes for each student
- Material: PowerPoint (up to 4 slides) (no need to upload)
- Presentation for discussion with professors and students in each group
- Each presenter has a total of 15 minutes (5 min. for oral presentation using slides, and 10 min. for discussion with faculty members and other students)
- Material: PowerPoint A4 (Landscape) or similar size in English
- The PDF file of your 5-minutes presentation material needs to be submitted (uploaded) in advance. The detail information will be sent by e-mail.
- Brief introduction of each study in a single meeting room
- Registration
- Register from https://forms.gle/WSjEHXNBy2vZbSDn6
- Deadline: 5pm, January 29, 2021
NOTE: If you do not make registration by the due date, you can not make presentation.
- Program: 210216GEDES_Interim_D
- Inquiry
GEDES office
GEDES Workshop on students’ activities (FEB 15, 2021)
- Date & Time: 9:30am~, February 15, 2021
- Venue: Online (Zoom meeting)
- Program: 20210215_GEDES_Student_Workshop
- Presentation
- Format: Presentation using the slide(s) made in PowerPoint via Zoom meeting The detail of zoom presentation will be announced later.
- Language: English
- Size and number of posters
- ONE sheet (slide) in A1 size, for each course with 1 credit or 2 credits
- TWO sheets (slides) in A1 size, for each course with 3 or 4 credits
- Either of portrait or landscape orientation is acceptable.
- Presentation time
- Course with 1 credit: 6 minutes (2 min. presentation and 4 min. Q&A)
- Course with 2 credits: 7 minutes (3 min. presentation and 4 min. Q&A)
- Course with 3 credits: 8 minutes (4 min. presentation and 4 min. Q&A)
- Course with 4 credits: 9 minutes (5 min. presentation and 4 min. Q&A)
- Presentation contents (following items should be clearly presented)
- Your activity and/or experience including background, objective and achievement/conclusion
- What you learned or were trained?
- What challenges/learning/training do you still need based on your activity/experience?
- For more detail, please check the course syllabus in OCW.
- Registration
Register from https://forms.gle/4M2jDcXmwuxV6aLHA.
If you want to register multiple courses, please register separately. However, you cannot register multiple courses with the same activity (for example, you cannot get credit for both of Global Engineering Off-Campus Project and ALP Overseas Training for the same overseas activity. Also, you cannot register two of Global Engineering International Workshop even if you make two presentations in a single conference). - Deadline for registration: 5pm, January 29, 2021
If you do not make registration by the due date, you cannot make presentation. - Report
- Submit a report after the presentation.
- Content should include reply to the questions for your presentation as well as the content of questions you asked for other presentations.
- The report should be written in English or Japanese in A4-size word document.
- There is minimum page limits depending on the number of credits to be obtained.
- 1 credit : 2 pages or more
- 2 credits : 4 pages or more
- 3 credits : 6 pages or more
- 4 credits : 8 pages or more
- Deadline: TBA
- Submit to your supervisor via e-mail
- Inquiry:
- GEDES office ge-office@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp
GEDES Final Presentation for Master’s students graduating in March 2021
- Corresponding students
Students who will graduate in March 2021 - Submission of documents
- Required documents: Main text of thesis and Extended abstract (4 pages) in English or Japanese
- Deadline: 5 PM, February 1st (Mon), 2021 for both documents
- Format of Extended Abstract: Follow the instruction given in the sample document below.
- https://www.tse.ens.titech.ac.jp/ja/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/GEDESabstract.docx
- File type: one PDF file for each document
- Submission method: upload your documents to T2BOX accessible from the link below (Upload only. You can neither delete, overwrite nor download your files or others)
File name for main text: StudentnumberFamilynameMT.pdf (e.g. 19M12345KinouchiMT.pdf)
File name for extended abstract: StudentnumberFamilynameAB.pdf (e.g. 19M12345KinouchiAB.pdf)
You can upload only once. However, if you want to resubmit the file, upload the new file with the different file name by adding the revision number at the end (e.g. 19M12345KinouchiAB-R1.pdf).
DO NOT use Chinese characters for your family name, write it in Alphabet.
- Final presentation
- Date: February 8th (Mon) and 9th (Tue), 2021
- Time: see the program below.
- Venue: Online presentation on Zoom (the link information will be sent by e-mail)
- Time Allocation: 12 minutes for each presentation, followed by 5 minutes for Q&A, 1 minute for alternation and preparation
- Language: Presentation in English, Discussion in English or Japanese
- Your presentation slides should be prepared and uploaded in advance to a designated T2BOX, which will be announced by e-mail in late January.
- A correspondence table of technical terms between English and Japanese should be appended in the last page of your presentation slides.
- Program