Date and Venue
Date & Time: 9 am, Feb 9 (Fri), 2024
Venue: Online (Zoom meeting)
Eligibility: Activities that were conducted within 1 year. Doctoral course students cannot register for the activities done during the master’s course, except for the application for the “Doctoral Recurrent Program”.
Presentation Instructions
- Format: Oral presentation using PowerPoint/PDF slides via Zoom meeting
- Language: English
- Presentation time
Course with 1 credit: 6 minutes (2min. presentation and 4 min. Q&A)
Course with 2 credits: 7 minutes (3 min. presentation and 4 min. Q&A)
Course with 3 credits: 8 minutes (4 min. presentation and 4 min. Q&A)
Course with 4 credits: 9 minutes (5 min. presentation and 4 min. Q&A)
- Presentation contents (the following items should be clearly presented)
The contents should summarize your activity and/or experience including background, objectives, and achievement/conclusion. What did you learn or what training did you obtain? What challenges/learning/training do you still need based on your activity/experience? These are questions that will guide you in developing your content. Be short and concise as if you are speaking in an international conference. Regarding participation in conferences, students must consult with their supervisors about their suitability to claim credits. The supervisor judges their suitability in terms of their size, quality, and open accessibility. If somewhat irregular or unclearness of the suitability of the conference is inevitable, both the student and his/her supervisor must justify its eligibility to obtain credits for the said conference participation. For more details, please check the course syllabus in the OCW.
- Form:
- Note: If you want to register for multiple courses, please register separately. However, you cannot register for multiple courses with the same activity (for example, you cannot get credit for both Global Engineering Off-Campus Project and ALP Overseas Training for the same overseas activity. Also, you cannot register for two Global Engineering International Workshop even if you make two presentations in a single conference).
- Registration deadline: 5 pm, Feb 1 (Thu), 2024
(if you fail to register by the due date, you cannot present)
- Submit a report after the presentation.
- Contents should include replies to the questions for your presentation, as well as the contents of questions you asked for other presentations.
- The report should be written in English or Japanese in A4-size word document.
- The minimum page limits depending on the number of credits to be obtained are as follows:
1 credit : 2 pages or more
2 credits : 4 pages or more
3 credits : 6 pages or more
4 credits : 8 pages or more
- Deadline: 5 pm, Feb 16 (Fri), 2024 (submit to your supervisor via e-mail)
Takashi Nakamura (隆) (; and