GEDES Doctoral Thesis Presentation (September 2023 Completion)


July 5, 2023

Venue: Suzukakedai Campus G5-105(G511)

Time Presenter Supervisor Dissertation
10:40-12:10 Eka Dyana Yulandari MURAYAMA Takehiko Evaluation of the integration of climate change adaptation into development plans by local governments in Indonesia

July 5, 2023

Venue: Ishikawadai 4   Basement Rooms

Time Presenter Supervisor Dissertation
13:30-15:00 Muhammad Reza Do Bagus HANAOKA Shinya Assessment of the seaport-fulcrum supply chain risk for an archipelagic country

July 6, 2023

Venue: Ishikawadai 4 Basement Rooms

Time Presenter Supervisor Dissertation
9:00-10:30 I Dewa Gede Agung Junnaedhi KANDA Manabu Regional to micrometeorological observation in tropical megacity of Jakarta: season, sea breeze and CO2


GEDES Master’s and Doctoral Students Interim Presentation, March 31, 2023

1. Program

Interim presentations will be held on March 31, 2023. The program can be downloaded by clicking the items below:

Note that this program is tentative and it could change.

2. Submission of presentation materials

Master students
Please upload your 5-min presentation material (consisting of multiple slides). Specific instructions:

File type: PDF format
Size: A4 landscape or similar size.
Submission method: upload to T2BOX (Upload only)
 Box Name:GEDES Master's Course Interim Presentation
File name: StudentnumberName.pdf (e.g. 22M12345Tsuji.pdf) (Please write your name in the alphabet.)
Note: You can upload only once. However, if you want to replace the file with a new one, please upload the new file with the different name by adding the revision number at the end (e.g. 22M12345Tsuji-R1.pdf).
Deadline: 15:00 PM, March 30th, 2023

Doctoral students
Please upload your 5-min presentation material (consisting of multiple slides). Specific instructions:
File type: PDF format
Size: A4 landscape or similar size.
Submission method: upload to T2BOX (Upload only)
Box Name:GEDES Doctoral Course Interim Presentation
File name: StudentnumberName.pdf (e.g. 21D12345Tsuji.pdf) (Please write your name in the alphabet.)
Note: You don’t need to upload your 2-min presentation slides. You can upload only once. However, if you want to replace the file with a new one, please upload the new file with the different name by adding the revision number at the end (e.g. 21D12345Tsuji-R1.pdf).
Deadline: 15:00 PM, March 30th, 2023

3. Zoom

Zoom links for each group will be shared by email later.

Best presentations at GEDES Master’s students thesis presentation (February 2023)

On February 16 – 17, 2023, a final thesis presentation of master’s students of GEDES was held in Ishikawadai Building 4 of Tokyo Tech. After the impressive presentations from all the students, the following students were awarded the outstanding best presentation:

Loh Zhan Teng (1st prize)
A spatial analysis of the impact of decarbonization policy on port hinterlands in Japan (日本の脱炭素政策が港湾背後圏に与える影響の空間的分析)
Supervisor: 花岡 伸也
小又 寛也
Supervisor: 中村 隆志
MAKEDONAS Alexandros Marios
Classification of wind field Doppler Lidar Scans using Deep Learning
Supervisors: 神田 学,稲垣 厚至
瀬戸 翔吾
ドイツ留学生の進路希望と就職の現状に関する研究 -ドイツ人学生との比較から-
Supervisor: 佐藤 由利子
SAISA-ARD Siraphop
Development of Vehicle Shadowing Gain Prediction Model for Site-Specific Wireless Channel Emulator
Supervisor: 高田 潤一


Presentation of doctoral dissertation – Bageshree Katneshwarkar

Ms. Bageshree KATNESHWARKAR will be delivering a presentation regarding her doctoral dissertation. The details are as follows.

Presenter: KATNESHWARKAR Bageshree
Date and Time: Monday, December 5, 2022, 13:30 to 15:00
Place: Ishikawadai 4 B03/04, Ookayama campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Chairing Teaching Staff: Prof. Kinouchi Tsuyoshi
Thesis Title: “Quantitative investigation of drought impacts on agriculture and relation with socioeconomic security of farmers”
Panelists: Prof. Tsuyoshi KINOUCHI, Prof. Manabu KANDA, Assoc. Prof. Takashi (恭志) NAKAMURA, Assoc. Prof. Takashi (隆志) NAKAMURA, Assoc. Prof. Alvin C.G. VARQUEZ


Recurring droughts and its dire consequences on the agriculture sector is challenging the socioeconomic security of farmers in agrarian countries like India. The complex, multidimensional, spatially extensive, and water extreme phenomenon of drought is the costliest natural disaster which is anticipated to be frequent and more severe in the warming world. The profound impacts of droughts include agriculture failures, groundwater depletion, water scarcity and economic losses, which is specifically threatening the agriculture, and allied businesses. Under the deteriorating socioeconomic status of farmers subject to frequent droughts, especially in central parts of India, drought assessment holds a paramount importance. Multiple climatic and hydrologic factors are responsible for droughts and vegetation conditions, where meticulous attribution of these primary drivers and understanding of their integrated effect is crucial for holistic drought quantification and disaster contingency planning. Despite a well-established system of drought management in India, which is typically univariate and depends on analysis of multiple variables, the process has its own limitations where this integrated effect is typically overlooked, frequently leading to ambiguous drought categorization. In the present study, dynamics and variability in vegetation and its interlinkage with regional drought characteristics were analyzed in the form of greening and browning trends along with discerning the governing factors and their possible implications on the farmers in the central state of Maharashtra in India. Furthermore, using the confounding primary drought drivers, a novel multivariate Joint Drought Index (JDI) was proposed for seasonal agriculture drought classification which shall provide a unique perspective for drought monitoring and mitigation by increasing the accuracy of drought severity analysis in India and beyond. Moreover, taking farmers suicide as an index showing the socioeconomic status of farmers, the possible relation between vegetation variability, dynamics in hydroclimatic variables, droughts, and role of JDI in the farmer’s socioeconomic status is also discussed. The results of this study should provide crucial insights for policymakers in India and worldwide and should be valuable for revisiting the drought management plans and creating efficient drought mitigation systems in areas facing harsh conditions of droughts.

GEDES Course orientation (September 28, 2022)

We are pleased to welcome you to our Master’s and Doctoral programs in Global Engineering for Development, Environment and Society (GEDES). You are cordially invited to the online course orientation scheduled on September 28th from 16:00.

For attending the orientation online, please register from the link below.

開催時刻:2022年9月28日 04:00 PM 大阪、札幌、東京

If you have never attended a zoom meeting before, you may need to install the Zoom Client, or it may be automatically installed.
Make sure to try well in advance.

You can download the orientation materials for your own use during and after the orientation.

The orientation file can be accessed here: 20220928_GEDES_Orientation

GEDES graduation ceremony on September 22, 2022

We are pleased to announce that the graduation ceremony for GEDES
master’s degree graduates will be held as shown below,
following the graduation ceremony by the university

– Date and time: 15:30 onwards, September 22, 2022
– Venue: Ishikawadai Bldg.4, B02-05
– In-person. Face masks are required.

Graduating students will receive the diploma at this ceremony.

For those who cannot make in-person, please contact the GEDES office:

GEDES Master’s and Doctoral Students Interim Presentation, Sept. 28, 2022

Master’s and doctoral students are required to present their progress in the interim presentation of GEDES. An interim presentation will be held on September 28, 2022. From 9:00-10:30, the master’s interim presentations will be held. It will be followed by the doctoral interim presentations from 10:45 – 12:15.

Frequently visit this page for updates.

Eligible Students

The following students are eligible to present in the interim event after consulting with the academic supervisor. For students who are uncertain, kindly confirm with your academic supervisor.

  • Master’s students enrolled in September 2021
  • Doctoral students enrolled in September 2020, April 2021, and September 2021.
  • Exceptional cases (discuss with supervisor)


Master’s Presentations

Doctoral presentations

Registration Procedure

Eligible students

Master’s students

Doctoral students

Instructions for Presenters

Registered students will receive updates, including the program, submission procedure of presentation materials, and zoom link.


Contact the GEDES chair or the GEDES office (