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- Program
- Date & Time: February 5th (WED), 2020, 3:05am – 4:35pm
- Venue: 3rd Floor, Suzukakedai Hall, Suzukakedai Campus
- Presentation
- Format: Poster presentation
- Language: English
- Size and number of sheet
- ONE sheet in A1 size, for each course with 1 credit or 2 credits
- TWO sheets in A1 size for each course with 4 credits
- Presentation contents (They should be presented clearly.)
- Your activity and/or experience including background,objective and achievement/conclusion
- What you learned or were trained?
- What challenges/learning/training do you still need based on your activity/experience?
- Registration at
- Deadline for registration: 5pm, January 29th (WED), 2020
NOTE: If you do not make registration by the due date, you cannot make presentation.
- Report
- Submit a report after the presentation.
- Content should include reply to the questions for your presentation as well as the content of questions you asked for other presentations.
- There is no format for the report in English or Japanese.
- Deadline: 5pm, February 19th (WED), 2020
- Submit to: Supervisor
- Inquiry: