GEDES Doctoral Students Interim Presentation in FEB 2019

1. Target students
Students who enrolled in the following seasons.
– April 2017
– September 2017
– April 2018

Students are required to make presentation JUST ONE time. If you already made, you do not have to do more. Please consult with your supervisor you have to apply or not at this time.

If you have not enrolled in the above seasons and apply for this presentation, please explain a reason you apply in the comment section.

2. Presentation
– Date & Time: 10:45am-12:15pm, February 12th (Tuesday), 2019
– Venue: Suzukake Hall 3rd Floor, Suzukakedai Campus
– Language: English
– Procedure of the session:
1) Brief presentations with PowerPoint
– Content: Outline of your presentation (including Background/Purpose, Methodology and Progress)
– Time: 2 MINUTES for each
– Material: PowerPoint (up to 4 slides)
2) Poster presentation for discussion with professors
– Time: rest of the time
– Material: Poster in A0 size (Portrait)

3. Registration
– Register here
– Deadline: 5pm, January 29th (Tuesday), 2019

4. Program


5. Inquiry
GEDES office

Also check website for TSE students.