21 Dec 2019: Prof. Nohara as Panelist of the ToDai IIS Forum Design-Led Engineering @Shibuya QWS

Prof. Kayoko Nohara acted as a panelist at the Value Creation Design Forum sponsored by the Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo.

Saturday, December 21, 2019 14: 00-19: 30 @ Shibuya QWS Scramble Hall

Programme – Part 1: Practice and systematization of design-driven engineering

Is a design that links engineering research and future society possible? How?

The speakers introduced recent practices and research cases by DLX Design Lab and discussed design methodology.


Speakers: Yuichi Washida (Hitotsubashi University), Kayoko Nohara (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Toshiki Shinno (The University of Tokyo), Miles Pennington (The University of Tokyo), Yukiko Matsunaga (The University of Tokyo), Mitsuru Muramatsu (The University of Tokyo), Midori Yamazaki (The University of Tokyo), Kensei Miyoshi (The University of Tokyo)

Programme – Part 2: Education for design-driven engineering

What kind of education is needed to develop professionals who can conduct design-driven engineering?

Experts in design engineering education from companies and universities were invited to discuss.
Speakers: Noriko Kamiyama (Dyson), Teruyuki Kaduchi (Osaka University of Arts), Keita Watanabe (Meiji University), Shunji Yamanaka (The University of Tokyo)

More info on the event can be found here

Photos © Shibuya QWS 2019

The Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), the University of Tokyo, is promoting “Value Creation Design (Design-Led X)” based on the concept of “value creation through a fusion of engineering and design perspectives”. We have rediscovered the value of engineering technology from the viewpoint of design and set this approach to give new goals to engineering research: we call it “design-driven engineering”. This is an attempt to significantly change the academic and artistic approaches that currently define this field.

(Photos © Nohara Lab 2019)

価値創造デザインフォーラム 東京大学生産技術研究所(IIS)
2019年12月21日(土)14:00~19:30 @渋谷QWS内スクランブルホール

– 第1部 デザイン駆動工学の実践と体系化

工学研究と未来の社会をつなぐデザインはどのように可能か? DLX Design Labによる最近の実践・研究事例を紹介し、デザインの方法論を議論。
登壇者:鷲田祐一(一橋大学)、野原佳代子(東京工業大学)、新野俊樹(東京大学)、Miles Pennington(東京大学)、松永行子(東京大学)、村松充(東京大学)、山崎みどり(東京大学)、三好賢聖(東京大学)

第2部 デザイン駆動工学のための教育
デザイン駆動工学を実践する人材を育てるためにはどのような教育が必要か? 企業や大学からデザインエンジニアリング教育に関わる方を招き議論。


東京大学生産技術研究所(IIS)は、「工学とデザイン視点の融合による価値創造」をコンセプトとする取り組み『価値創造デザイン(Design-Led X)』を推進しています。

Dr. Betti joined the Debate in the “Urban and Infrastructure in the 100-years of Life”

Tokyo Institute of Technology Industry-Academia Collaborative Program
“Urban and Infrastructure in the 100-years of Life”
5th Workshop “Town”

Date: 19 December 2019
Time: 13:30~17:45
Venue: Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus, Main Building, 3rd Meeting Room

Betti joined the debate and gave a speech as a commentator.
Her words which includes “to build better futures, you first need to imagine them” remains in us.

場所:東工大大岡山キャンパス 本館第3会議室 276号室

”To build better futures, you first need to imagine them.” で始まるコメントが、私たちの議論に広いサステナビリティの視点と新鮮な気づきをもたらしてくれました。

16-20 Dec 2019: Existential Wearables II

Through hacking, the three prototypes emerged from the Existential Wearables I: Wearing Weather, Nose devise STRECO and Personal Mask.

What will happen this time?

GSEC advanced, 2 credit @407A, South 5 by Dr. Ulrike Oberlack.


4-8 Nov 2019: Hacking Hearts Project


Hacking Hearts was an exciting experimental project designed to interrogate and reimagine contemporary scientific research centered on heart disease, energy harvesting and cellular sensing. The activities resulted from the collaboration between Tokyo Institute of Technology and two British universities: Central Saint Martins College (CSM) at the University of the Arts London (UAL) and Queen Mary University of London. 

Illustration by Libby Morrell

The event was held on 4-8 November 2019 at the Grow Lab at UAL, in the UK. Bioengineering scientists presented their research to a team of art students, worked together for a few days and on the last day the students performed their original responses in a public symposium. A series of “creative translation processes” were employed in the deconstruction and reconstruction of cutting-edge mechanical engineering and biotechnology information through art and design practices. As Social Scientist in Residence at UAL, Prof. Nohara observed and analyzed communications and interactions among all the participants during the workshop and how arguments in science and engineering were translated, reworded and re-expressed for a team of art and design graduate students. The project team included Dr. Heather Barnett, Dr. Ulrike Oberlac and Dr. Betti Marenko of UAL, Dr. Wataru Hijikata of Tokyo Tech, and Dr. Thomas Iscratch of Queen Mary University. 

The 5-day program included a range of activities which ended with a public participatory event on Nov 8th:

  • Nov 4th: Introduction and scientific presentations / demonstrations
  • Nov 5th: Practical activities / discussions to unpack the science and start ‘hacking’
  • Nov 6th-7th: Students work in small groups to develop ideas in critical / creative response to the scientific research.
  • Nov 8th: Presentation of outcomes to the visiting researchers + public symposium in the evening.

The international research team will continue to develop methods to combine different skills and ways of thinking to acquire fresh perspectives and ideas through communication using various tools, collectively called Communication-Driven Hybrid Method. Over 5 days of activities and discussions, the participants of Hacking Hearts explored techniques to share knowledge across disciplines and understanding each other beyond cultural borders. The project produced in-depth reflections and lessons learned which will inform future participation between science & technology and art & design practitioners. Interviews with participants and conclusions drawn from the event are discussed in more details in this article.

More information on the event program can be found on UAL’s website



「Hacking Hearts」は、心臓病、環境発電、細胞センシングを中心とした現代の科学研究を調査し、再考するために計画された刺激的な実験プロジェクトです。この活動は、東京工業大学と、ロンドン芸術大学(UAL)のセントラル・セント・マーチンズカレッジ(CSM)とロンドンのクイーンメアリー大学のコラボレーションから生まれました。

このイベントは、2019年11月4〜8日に英国のUALのGrow Labで開催されました。バイオエンジニアリングの科学者は、芸術の学生のチームに研究を発表し、数日間一緒に働き、最終日には学生が公開シンポジウムで独自の発表をしました。


  • 11月4日:イントロダクションと科学のプレゼンテーション/デモンストレーション
  • 11月5日:科学を解き放ち、「ハッキング」を開始するための実践的な活動/ディスカッション
  • 11月6日〜7日:グループワーク、科学的研究に対する批判的/創造的な反応のアイデアの開発
  • 11月8日:研究者の成果発表、公開シンポジウム

イベントプログラムの詳細については:UALのウェブサイト (https://www.arts.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/185033/HackingHearts_student_brief1.pdf) から。