GEDES Master’s students Interim Presentation, FEB 2019

1. Target Students
Students enrolled in April 2018

If you have not enrolled in the above period and apply for this presentation, please explain a reason you apply in the comment section.

2. Poster presentation
– Date & Time: 9am – 10:30am, FEBRUARY 12th (Tuesday), 2019
– Venue: Suzukake Hall 3rd Floor, Suzukakedai Campus
– Poster format: A0 size (Portrait) in English
– Poster session: Each presenter has a total of 15 minutes (5 min. for oral presentation, 5 min. for discussion with other students, 5 min. for discussion with faculty members in English)

3. Registration
– Register here
– Deadline: 5pm, JANUARY 29th (Tuesday), 2019

4. Program


5. Inquiry
GEDES office

Also check website for TSE students.