Posted on Saturday March 25th, 2006Sunday April 26th, 2020Kayoko Nohara”Moulded Otherness: On the Strategic Use of Proper Names in Popular Japanese Literature”, in M. Garant (ed.) Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning, University of Helsinki, pp. 185-200, 2006. BlogPublicationsTranslation Studies
Posted on Saturday March 25th, 2006Sunday April 26th, 2020Ikuyo Morimoto, Kayoko Nohara, Miki Saijo, Kotaro Takagi, Hiroko Otsuka, Kana Suzuki, Manabu Okumura “How Do Ordinary Japanese Reach Consensus in Group Discussion Making? Identifying and Analysing ‘Naive Negotiation’”, Group Decision and Negotiation, vol. 15, pp. 157-169, 2006. BlogPublicationsResearch on Juror deliberation