

提出先: 指導教員

提出期限: 2020年2月6日(木), 16:00


日時: 2020年2月20日(木), 2月21日(金)

会場:大岡山 石川台4号館B02-05

発表形態: 口頭発表

言語: 日本語または英語

発表持ち時間: 発表7分; 質疑4分; 交替・準備1分 計12分




日時: 2020年 2月20日(木) 10:20~ (学士特定課題研究発表会の前)

会場:大岡山 石川台4号館B02-05

発表形態: 口頭発表

言語: 日本語または英語

発表持ち時間: 発表7分; 質疑4分; 交替・準備1分 計12分

PC: 各自,VGAまたはHDMIの出力があるラップトップコンピュータを用意する。事前に接続をチェックすること。



GEDES student workshop February 5th (WED)(学生活動報告会)

1. Date & Time: February 5th (WED), 2020, 3:05pm – 4:35pm

2. Venue: 3rd Floor, Suzukakedai Hall, Suzukakedai Campus

3. Presentation
– Format: Poster presentation
– Language: English
– Size and number of sheet:
– ONE sheet in A1 size, for each course with 1 credit or 2 credits
– TWO sheets in A1 size for each course with 4 credits
– Presentation contents (They should be presented clearly.)
– Your activity and/or experience including background,objective and achievement/conclusion
– What you learned or were trained?
– What challenges/learning/training do you still need based on your activity/experience?

4. Registration at https://forms.gle/tedGgKLCMceVL47c6

5. Deadline for registration: 5pm, January 29th (WED), 2020

NOTE: If you do not make registration by the due date, you cannot make presentation.

6. Program (TBD)

7. Report
– Submit a report after the presentation.
– Content should include reply to the questions for your presentation as well as the content of questions you asked for other presentations.
– There is no format for the report in English or Japanese.
– Deadline: 5pm, February 19th (WED), 2020
– Submit to: Supervisor

8. Inquiry
GEDES office ge-office@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp

Also check website for GEDES students.

GEDES Doctoral Students Interim Presentation, February 10th(博士課程中間発表会の開催)

  • Target students
    Students who enrolled in the following seasons.
    – April 2018
    – September 2018
    – April 2019

    Students are required to make interim presentation JUST ONE time. If you already made, you do not have to do more. Please consult with your supervisor you have to apply or not at this time.

    If you have not enrolled in the above seasons and apply for this presentation, please explain a reason you apply in the comment section.

  • Presentation
    – Date & Time: 10:45am-12:15pm, February 10th (MON), 2020
    – Venue: Suzukake Hall 3rd Floor, Suzukakedai Campus
    – Language: English
    – Procedure of the session:
    1) Brief presentations with PowerPoint
    – Content: Outline of your presentation (including Background/Purpose, Methodology and Progress)
    – Time: 2 MINUTES for each
    – Material: PowerPoint (up to 4 slides)
    2) Poster presentation for discussion with professors
    – Time: rest of the time
    – Material: Poster in A0 size (Portrait)
  • Registration
    – Register here https://forms.gle/bV41Y69hV7iPMdGu6
    Deadline: 5pm, February 3rd (MON), 2020

    NOTE: If you do not make registration by the due date, you can not make presentation.

  • Program (TBD)
  • Inquiry
    GEDES office

    Also check website for GEDES students.

GEDES Master’s students Interim Presentation, 10th FEB 2020(修士課程中間発表会)

  • Target Students
    Students enrolled in April 2019.                                                                    If you have not enrolled in the above period and apply for this presentation, please explain the reason you apply in the comment section.
  •  Poster presentation
    • Date & Time: 9am – 10:30am, February 10th (Monday), 2020
    • Venue: Suzukake Hall 3rd Floor, Suzukakedai Campus
    • Poster format: A0 size (Portrait) in English
    • Poster session: Each presenter has a total of 15 minutes (5 min. for oral presentation, 5 min. for discussion with other students, 5 min. for discussion with faculty members)
  • Registration

NOTE: If you do not make registration by the due date, you can not make presentation.

Also check website for GEDES students. http://www.tse.ens.titech.ac.jp/gedes/