GEDES Doctoral Students’ Interim Presentation

0. Corresponding Students
Students who enrolled in September 2016 or earlier

1. Registration
– Register here
– Deadline: 4 pm, April 18th (WED), 2018

2. Poster presentation
Date & Time: 1:20 pm-, May 2nd (WED), 2018
Venue: B02-05, Ishikawadai Bldg.4, Ookayama

Poster format: A0 size (Portrait) in English
Procedure of Poster session: TBA.

Program (TBA)

3. Inquiries
GEDES office

平成30年度 融合理工学系カリキュラム (2018 TSE curriculum)

1.カリキュラム説明会の実施 (Briefing for curriculum)

以下の要領で,カリキュラム説明会を実施するので,融合理工学系3年生は必ず参加すること。(Junior GSEP students are asked to attend it without fail.)

日時:平成30年4月4日 10:45-12:15 (Time and date: 10:45-12:15 on April 4th, 2018)

場所:南6号館S621講義室 (S621 lecture room in South 6 Bld.)

Pdf file for explanation: カリキュラム変更点説明ExplanationOfNewCurriculumv5