0. Corresponding Students
Students enrolled in April 2017
1. Registration
– Register at https://goo.gl/forms/nzYt0IbecKGzh47f1
– Deadline: 4 PM, January 17 (Wednesday), 2018
2. Abstract submission is NOT necessary
– Submit to: https://www.dropbox.com/request/WHYvpBA6l6SHAgB2M6gT
– Deadline: 4 PM, January 24 (Wednesday), 2018
– Format for abstract
– File type: PDF (Do NOT submit doc or docx files)
– File name: StudentnumberFamilyname.pdf (e.g. 16M12345Isono.pdf)
(Do NOT use Chinese characters for your family name, write it in Alphabet)
**If you want to replace the file with a new one, just upload the new file**
3. Poster presentation
Date&Time: 9 AM -, January 31 (Wednesday), 2018
Venue: Suzukake Hall 3rd Floor, Suzukakedai
Poster format: A0 size (Portrait) in English
Poster session: Each presenter has a total of 15 minutes (5 min. for oral presentation, 5 min. for discussion with other students, 5 min. for discussion with faculty members)
4. Inquiries
GEDES office