2023 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション5

12月5日(火)東京工業大学大岡山キャンパスにて、産学協働プログラム「Hybrid Innovation (HI) 2023」のセッション5を開催しました。このプログラムは、英国ロンドン芸術大学Central Saint Martins校 (CSM) と共同開発したオリジナルメソッドに基づき、講義・実践ワークショップ・ファシリテーション等を組み込んで全10セッションを提供しています。

東工大環境・社会理工学院において野原が主宰するSTADHIーScience & Technology + Art & Design Hybrid Innovationの理念をもとに、アート、デザイン、テクノロジー、サイエンスの知見と方法論を融合。ビジネス環境におけるイノベーションとコミュニケーションの促進を目指し、学際的アプローチに取り組んでいます。

ロンドン芸術大学Central Saint Martins校より来訪されたヘザー・バーネット先生をお迎えし、粘菌をテーマにエクササイズとレクチャーを行っていただきました。






HIメソッド・昨年のプログラムなど、HIについてさらなる情報が欲しい方はこちら: https://www.tse.ens.titech.ac.jp/~deepmode/csm/blog/未来を創るhybrid-innovation/ お問い合わせは事務局へ: ogiuchi.s.aa[@半角に変更してください]m.titech.ac.jp


2023 Creating the future “Hybrid Innovation” Session 5

Session 5 of the industry-academia collaborative programme ‘Hybrid Innovation 2023’ (HI) was held on Tuesday 5 December at the Tokyo Institute of Technology’s Ookayama Campus. The programme is based on an original method developed in collaboration with Central Saint Martins college of Art and Design (CSM), University of the Arts London, UK, and offers a total of 10 sessions incorporating lectures, practical workshops, facilitation, etc.

Based on the STADHI – Science & Technology + Art & Design Hybrid Innovation philosophy, led by Nohara at the Tokyo Institute of Technology’s School of Environment and Society, the programme combines the knowledge and methodologies of art, design, technology and science. It takes an transdisciplinary approach to promote innovation and communication in business environments.

Dr Heather Barnett, a visiting researcher at Tokyo Tech, gave a lecture and exercise exploring the innovation potential of slime molds. The aim of the session was for participants to use slime molds to solve problems, come up with creative ideas, and gain new discoveries and insights.

In the first exercise, participants observed a familiar object and considered the different ways in which it could be used. In this exercise, the group discussed and exchanged ideas in three categories: the commonplace uses of paper clips, other practical uses, and imaginative uses. In order to inspire ideas, the group also tried to think beyond human forms of intelligence by pretending to be other creatures to think of alternative ways to use the paper clips.

The second exercise used slime molds as a problem-solving tool. Participants were asked to discuss the problem they wanted to solve in groups and then plan how they could get the slime mold to solve it, using a planning sheet.

As slime molds move differently from humans, it is difficult to completely control their movements. The movements of the slime molds set up by each group will be filmed by camera over the next week or so, and the trajectory will be presented at the next session.

If you would like further information about HI, including the HI Method and last year’s program, please visit: https://www.tse.ens.titech.ac.jp/~deepmode/csm/blog/ creating-the-future-hybrid-innovation/

For inquiries, please contact the secretariat: ogiuchi.s.aa[at]m.titech.ac.jp

You can find further information on the HI programme here. For an outline of the content of previous sessions, please visit our blog.