2023 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション1

今年もいよいよ始まりました!10月10日(火)東京工業大学大岡山キャンパスにて、産学連携ハイブリッド・イノベーション・プログラム2023のセッション第一回が開催されました。このプログラムは、野原研が英国のロンドン芸術大学Central Saint Martins校 (CSM) と共同で開発したオリジナルメソッドに基づき、講義・実践ワークショップ・ファシリテーション等を組み込み全10セッションで構成されています。野原教授が主宰する東工大環境・社会理工学院のSTADHIーScience & Technology + Art & Design Hybrid Innovationの理念をもとに、アート、デザイン、テクノロジー、サイエンスの知見と方法論を融合。ビジネス環境におけるイノベーションとコミュニケーションの促進を目指し、学際的アプローチに取り組んでいます。初回は、参加企業7社から19人全員が参加(プラス見学者も!)。簡単なイントロとウォーミングアップエクササイズのあと、プログラムの目的を紹介しました。WRH特任教授のネイサン・コーエン博士が実践的グループエクササイズを展開し、作品制作と科学研究におけるアート的方法論と科学的方法論の統合についてのレクチャーがありました。その後これをもとに、全員でディスカッションを行いました。



HIメソッド・昨年のプログラムなど、HIについてさらなる情報が欲しい方はこちら: https://www.tse.ens.titech.ac.jp/~deepmode/csm/blog/未来を創るhybrid-innovation/ お問い合わせは事務局へ: ogiuchi.s.aa[@半角に変更してください]m.titech.ac.jp

The 2023 edition of our Hybrid Innovation programme for industry was launched on Tuesday 10th October at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Ookayama. The programme consists of a series of 10 sessions including lectures, practical workshops and facilitation based on original methods developed by the Nohara Lab in collaboration with Central Saint Martins college in the UK (part of the University of the Arts London). In line with the principle of the STADHI research platform led by Prof. Kayoko Nohara, Hybrid Innovation merges insights and methodologies from Art, Design, Technology and Science into a transdisciplinary approach which aims to promote innovation and communication in business environments.

The first session was attended by all 19 employees from the 7 participating companies. A brief introduction and a warm up exercise welcomed the participants and presented the aims of the programme. Visiting professor Dr Nathan Cohen instructed the groups on a practical exercise and gave a talk about the integration of artistic and scientific methodologies in artwork creation and scientific research. This formed the basis for an open discussion among participants and organisers.

Experiential learning through material engagement and group work form the core of the programme, and already from the first session all participants engaged in a material exercise. This required building ‘bridges’ using a limited range of materials, with the aim to produce both a load-bearing structure and one that had aesthetic qualities. The results were judged and tested collectively and inspired further discussion on art/science with Dr Cohen.

The session was successful in stimulating active participation and honest discussion among all those involved. The contributions highlighted challenges to innovation and effective communication. Some stereotypical assumptions about disciplinary boundaries were noted and a key aim of the programme is to address them in future sessions. A very positive start indeed.

Activity period: October 2023 to April 2024
PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments and creative community activities. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2024.

For info please contact: tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp