2022 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション7

2023年1月31日、産学協働プログラム「未来を創るHybrid Innovation」第7回セッションを実施しました。今回は科学技術最先端2ということで、環境・社会理工学院 融合理工学系より高橋邦夫教授と、科学技術創成研究院未来産業技術研究所の関口悠氏をゲストに招き、ヤモリなどに見られる個体間凝着現象についてレクチャーをしていただきディスカッションをしました。その後は前回に引き続き、グループに分かれてHI実践プロジェクトのプロトタイピングを行いました、HIクリエイティブ・ディレクターのジョルジオ・サラニ特任助教とアシスタント・ディレクターの鹿又亘平氏のディレクションにより、各グループのアイディアを形にすべく実践的作業が行われました。



プログラム内容:対面とオンラインを柔軟に取り入れたセミナー、ワークショップ、ものづくり、実験、クリエイティブコミュニティ活動など。 参加企業メンバーによるグループプロジェクトの成果を公開する最終シンポジウムが、2023 年 4 月に予定されています。

手法・昨年のプログラムなど、さらなる情報が欲しい方はこちら: https://www.tse.ens.titech.ac.jp/~deepmode/csm/blog/未来を創るhybrid-innovation/ お問い合わせは事務局へ: ogiuchi.s.aa[@半角に変更してください]m.titech.ac.jp

Session 7 of the industry-academia collaborative programme ‘Hybrid Innovation for the Future’ was held on 31st January 2023. This time, Professor Kunio Takahashi from the Department of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology for Society and Environment, and Mr Yu Sekiguchi from the Research Institute for Future Industry, Institute for the Creation of Science and Technology, were invited to give a lecture on the phenomenon of inter-individual adhesion seen in geckos and spiders. Following on from the previous session, HI Creative Director Assistant Professor Giorgio Salani and Assistant Director Kohei Kanomata conducted prototyping for the HI Practice Project, where each group worked practically to give shape to their ideas.

The natural world is full of different phenomena. Through research, we can scientifically analyse and understand the mechanisms that allow geckos to climb walls, and apply this knowledge. Professor Kunio Takahashi lectured on the importance of having knowledge of various sciences and understanding things from a broad perspective by crossing specialised fields, and the importance of using this knowledge to model problems. The lecture was followed by a practical HI project, where the ideas of each group were discussed again by the members of the group to ensure mutual understanding. A simple exercise was also conducted to brush up the ideas of the groups to see how inclusivity and sustainability, which will become increasingly important in the future, can be adapted to the ideas of the groups.

Activity period: October 2022 to April 2023
PROGRAMME CONTENT: Seminars, workshops, manufacturing, experiments, creative community activities, etc. that flexibly use face-to-face and online. A final symposium – open to participating companies and the public – is scheduled for April 2023.
Here you can find our previous posts on Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5 and Session 6.
For info please contact: tokyotechxcsm@tse.ens.titech.ac.jp