講演: 国際的な開発援助の潮流/脆弱な国家におけるJICAの取り組み -イラクの事例-  (JICA 企画部 国際援助協調企画室長 原 昌平氏)


以下の通り、国際協力機構(JICA)企画部国際援助協調企画室長  原 昌平氏をお招きして、JSPSDの一部として講演が開催されます。


JSPSD will host a guest speaker, Mr. Shohei Hara, Executive Advisor to the Director-General and the Head of Office for Global Issues and Development Partnership Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).  He will talk about two topics.  One is about  the trends in International Development cooperation and the other is about how JICA works in fragile states by taking Iraq as  a case.  Anyone from Tokyo Tech community is welcome and talk will be delivered in English.


(Date/time: June 14, 2017, 15:30-17:30)

場所:石川台8号館 4階 セミナー室

(Venue: Seminar room, 4th floor of Ishikawadai #8 building)

講演タイトル:Trends in international development cooperation/ How JICA works in fragile states – a case of Iraq

(国際的な開発援助の潮流 / 脆弱な国家におけるJICAの取り組み -イラクの事例-)

講演者:国際協力機構(JICA) 企画部 国際援助協調企画室長 原 昌平氏

<Short bio of Mr. Shohei HARA>

Mr. Shohei HARA is the Executive Advisor to the Director-General and the Head, Office for Global Issues and Development Partnership Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).  He has been playing various key roles within JICA, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (of which ODA wing was merged with JICA in 2008), and Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (which became JBIC in 1999): Chief Representative of JICA Iraq Office, Senior Advisor to the Director General and Director, General Affairs Dept., Directors for JICA/JBIC’s operations in India, and Central Asia and Caucasus, etc. He earned a MSc in Economics from London School of Economics.