講演:JICAのSDGsへの取り組み(JICA 企画部 国際援助協調企画室 久保倉 健氏)


以下の通り、国際協力機構(JICA)企画部国際援助協調企画室 企画役 久保倉 健氏をお招きして、JSPSDの一部として講演が開催されます。


JSPSD will host a guest speaker, Mr. Ken Kubokura,Senior Deputy Director, Office for Global Issues and Development Partnership,  Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).  He will talk about JICA’s actions toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  He will also talk about his professional experience in Bolivia, where he worked as Senior Representative at JICA Bolivia office.  Anyone from Tokyo Tech community is welcome and talk will be delivered in English.


(Date/time: June 15, 15:30-17:30)

場所:石川台8号館 4階 セミナー室

(Venue: Seminar room, 4th floor, Ishikawadai #8 building)

講演タイトル: JICA’s actions toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


講演者:国際協力機構(JICA)企画部国際援助協調企画室 企画役 久保倉 健氏

<Short bio of Mr. Ken KUBOKURA>

Mr. Ken KUBOKURA is Senior Deputy Director, Office for Global Issues and Development Partnership,  JICA.  Mr. Kubokura has various position experiences at JICA, including Senior Representative at JICA Bolivia office, Deputy Director of Latin America and the Caribbean Department, Deptuy Director at Partnership Cooperation Division, Hokkaido International Center.  He had been seconded to USAID between 2004 and 2007 as a donor coordination adviser at the Bureau of Global Health, USAID.  Mr. Kubokura holds an bachelor degree in Spanish and master degree in Economics.