2023 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” ロンドンツアー

1月21日(月)1月25日(金)の5日間、産学協働プログラム「Hybrid Innovation (HI) 2023」のロンドン研修を実施し、参加者の方々といっしょに連携先であるロンドン芸術大学Central Saint Martins校 (CSM)を訪問してきました。このプログラムは「Hybrid Innovation (HI) 2023」の参加者の中から希望者を募り、ロンドンの様々な文化施設を訪れ、文化の違いだけでなくイギリスにある文化施設の成り立ちや社会的な役割を知ることで文化・芸術シーンや教育機関の動向を把握し、それらをビジネスに活かすための洞察を得ていただくことを目的としています。ビジネス環境におけるイノベーションとコミュニケーションの促進を目指し、ここでも学際的アプローチに取り組んでいます。


有名なウェルカム・コレクションでは、医学、デザイン、ファインアートの融合をテーマにした作品や工芸品が展示されている常設展を閲覧。一方で、企画展”Genetic Automata”では「アバター、ビデオゲーム、DNAの祖先の時代」をテーマに人種問題をめぐる作品も楽しんでいただきました。一般市民の議論を促進する、アートの社会的役割や展示方法を体感しつつ、日本での一般的な展示作品との違いを感じ、今後必要なアート思考とビジネスの関係性を考え直す機会にもなりました。大英図書館の展示では、さらにロンドンの歴史や文化に触れることができました。先人たちが残した知識やアイデアが、未来の創造性を支える基盤となってきたことを強く感じました。

さて、翌日1月24日はロンドン芸大CSMでのイベントに参加!最も刺激的な1日となりました。産業界のパートナーシップについての講演、アラン・アトリー氏(学術戦略学部長)とジョー・ウィーラー氏(国際パートナーシップ部長)による情報提供はたいへんおもしろかったです。また、サミュエル・ミッチェル氏(パートナーシップ戦略マネージャー)からは、CSM自身の他メタ、グーグル、アマゾンなどの企業がこぞって立地するキングス・クロス地区の、産業パートナーやステークホルダーとの連携に関する大学の戦略についてプレゼンがありました。MA Narrative Environmentsコースでは、ステファニー・シャーマン先生(MA Narrative Environmentsのコースリーダー、HI講師)による創造的アプローチと未来的視点についてのプレゼンが行われ、独創的・未来志向の視点に触れ、ストーリーと環境がどのように融合し社会的な役割を果たしていくかなど、新たな発見が与えてくれました。午後には、キュレーターでもあるヘザー・バーネット先生(MA Art and Scienceのパスウェイリーダー、HI講師)による、リーサビー・ギャラリーのプライベート・ビューや学生プレゼン、ギャラリー見学などイベントが目白押しで、若い才能の創造性に触れる、とても貴重な機会となりました。



HIメソッド・昨年のプログラムなど、HIについてさらなる情報が欲しい方はこちら: https://www.tse.ens.titech.ac.jp/~deepmode/csm/blog/未来を創るhybrid-innovation/ お問い合わせは事務局へ: ogiuchi.s.aa[@半角に変更してください]m.titech.ac.jp


As part of our industry-academia collaborative programme ‘Hybrid Innovation 2023’ (HI), in January 2024 we accompanied selected members on a trip to London, UK. The initiative provided HI participants with an opportunity to visit various cultural institutions in London, including Central Saint Martins college (CSM), University of the Arts London (UAL), with which the Tokyo Institute of Technology has a long-standing collaboration. The trip extended the hand-on activities and discussion held in Tokyo by being exposed new cultural and intellectual models, learning the origins of cultural institutions in the UK and their role in society, and encountering trends in London’s arts scene and educational institutions. This multicultural and transdisciplinary approach is committed to fostering innovation and communication in the business environment.

The day of arrival included some free time to enjoy the city and atmosphere of London. The following day, a behind-the-scenes tour of the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden (ROH) provided exclusive insights into the performing arts. The tour was guided by Nathan Cohen (Visiting Professor at Tokyo Tech and HI lecturer) and David Pickering (MBE, formerly First Artist and currently Learning and Participation Creative Associate, ROH). The group was introduced to heads of departments and senior staff who offered a privileged, first-hand experience of the fusion of age-old traditions and latest technologies, that is required to deliver a state-of-the-art cultural experience in each ROH show.

In the afternoon, the group visited the Wellcome Collection, a respected art and science cultural institution. Its permanent exhibition displays artworks and artefacts at the convergence of medicine, design and fine art. The section called Genetic Automata showcased artwork on racial issues “in an age of avatars, videogames and DNA ancestry”. The use of art in promoting discussion among the general public on key topics was identified by the participants as different from the role artwork typically performs in Japan, thus making us reconsider the relationship between art thinking and business, a point of focus in our innovation programme. The discussion continued at the recently reopened British Library, where the exhibition of ancient manuscripts offered insights into history and culture, both in London and globally. Here, the knowledge and ideas from our ancestors were felt as a strong foundation for future creativity.

The next day was spent entirely at Central Saint Martins (CSM), where our colleagues organised a full programme of talks and visits. We are grateful to Allan Atlee (Dean of Academic Strategy) and Jo Wheeler (Head of International Partnerships) for a very warm welcome and informative tour of the campus. Samuel Mitchell (Strategic Partnerships Manager) gave us a presentation on the college’s strategies for connections with industry partners and stakeholders in the wider Kings Cross area, where CSM and companies such as Meta, Google and Amazon are located. The morning included student presentations and a visit to the Grow Lab, a biological lab built in an art college, another rare opportunity to experience the creativity of young talent and learn about innovation across art & science. The afternoon continued with a presentation by Stephanie Sherman (Course Leader of MA Narrative Environments and HI lecturer), on creative approaches and futuristic perspectives, and a private view of the Lethaby Gallery by the curator Heather Barnett (Pathway Leader for MA Art and Science and HI lecturer).

On the final day, a tour of the Museum quarter in South Kensington included a brief stop at the Science Museum and an exclusive tour of the Victoria and Albert Museum by two leading scholars, Elaine Tierney and Simona Valeriani, of the V&A Research Institute (VARI). The buildings gave a sense of London’s history and future, while in the building we discussed material innovation through learning about the history of the tiles used for building the museum and the people involved in their production. In the furniture gallery, the discussion focused on cutting-edge material development by Dutch designer Christien Meindertsma, which inspired further thoughts about the possibilities of materials and innovation.

Through this business trip, the HI delegation could experience first-hand the vibrancy of London’s arts and cultural scene. Through the close collaboration with a prestigious art and design college, we could experience and discuss the potential for innovation in industry to connect with education and community revitalisation. We are convinced this will lead to intercultural inspiration and concrete ideas in the continuation of our programme at Tokyo Tech as well as future endeavours by all HI participants.

You can find further information on the HI programme here. For an outline of the content of previous sessions, please visit our blog.

For inquiries, please contact the secretariat:. ogiuchi.s.aa[at]m.titech.ac.jp