Latest Lectures
“Career Insights for Your Long Career Path”
– Invited Talk by Dr. Ken Harada

On October 11th 2023, GSEP invited Dr. Ken Harada, a Tokyo Tech graduate, to give a talk on career paths. The event attracted students interested in his diverse background and those concerned about their future career paths. While Dr. Harada holds a PhD in Computational Intelligence and System Sciences from Tokyo Tech, his career has […]
Visionary Project 2023
Lecture by Mr. Raymond Wong

Tokyo Tech Visionary Project is a compulsory course for all new undergraduate students. It is a course that encourages students’ self-discovery and aims to motivate students to set their individual goals. In the very first lecture of the Visionary Project course 2023 on April 17th, we received an honor from Mr. Raymond Wong to share […]
Visionary Project
Natsu Nakajima and Butoh
Every year, first year students of the Global Scientists and Engineers Program (GSEP) attend a course entitled, “Visionary Project”. With the aim of expanding future pathways of students, the course introduces various lives of successful individuals that cover areas outside natural science and engineering fields. Invited guest speakers have included artists, teachers, photographers, policy-makers, […]
Guest lecture on the Importance of Entrepreneurship Education by Prof. Angus Kingon

As the world changes more rapidly, increasing uncertainties in the workplace or job opportunities are to be expected. Last November 8, 2019, Prof. Angus Kingon of Brown University delivered a lecture on the importance of entrepreneurship education to engineering students. The talk, which was participated by faculty members and GSEP students of Tokyo Tech, highlighted […]
Visionary Project Final Presentation
Be Brave by Tatsaringkansakul Nattasate

In their first year in Tokyo Tech, GSEP students take the Tokyo Tech Visionary Project course. This is a special compulsory course from the Institute of Liberal Arts offered to all of the first year students at Tokyo Tech. The students are encouraged to recognize and develop their aims through self-analysis and self-directing. Each week, […]