Frequently Asked Questions

Studying under GSEP in TSE Department in Science Tokyo

Where can I find the course structure of GSEP?

A detailed course structure can be found in the official pamphlet of the TSE department. Download the pamphlet through the following link

Can I take subjects offered by other departments?

As a student of Science Tokyo, GSEP students are entitled to take up, as elective, courses provided by other departments. However, it is strongly advised for students to prioritize required courses offered by the department over that of other departments.

Will my inability to speak Japanese cause problems during my study in Tokyo Tech?

No. The program caters to those who have no Japanese language ability. All courses and academic support will be provided in English to the students under GSEP.

What kind of research topics can I work on in GSEP?

GSEP students perform an independent research project in their last year. They may choose their research topic from a wide range of Science and Engineering fields to work under GSEP faculty members. Please see GSEP faculty page for details of their specialties.

What degree will be awarded to GSEP graduates?

GSEP graduates will be granted by Institute of Science Tokyo the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.) in Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering (TSE) major.

I am interested in studying a specific major. Does GSEP suit me?

GSEP students gain a broad range of knowledge in various Science and Engineering as well as Liberal Arts fields. This standpoint will enable them to tackle global issues from a wider perspective which is not limited to any specific field of study. If you are interested in studying a specific major, it is recommended to pursue the same academic path.

What are the academic or career outlooks for GSEP graduates?

So far, GSEP graduates have generally decided on the following pathways:
1. Joining a Japanese or a foreign-affiliated company;
2. Pursuing further graduate studies at Science Tokyo in the same TSE major or other majors;
3. Pursuing further graduate studies in the same TSE major or other majors abroad.
Other information about career paths and career consultations for international students, including GSEP students, can be found in the following link:

Life at Science Tokyo / in Japan

Will there be any dormitory for the GSEP students?

For the first year, GSEP students will be housed together in a university dormitory. It is strongly recommended to stay at the dormitory with other GSEP students.

Is part-time work available?

International students should be aware that they must get permission to engage in activities other than those permitted by their visa (permission to engage in part-time work) before engaging in part time employment. Further information about part time work can be found on the part-time jobs page. The link can be found here

Is there any Japanese language education provided?

Yes. Students will be required to study Japanese as part of this program's assistance for the students to be more familiarized with the Japanese culture throughout their study in Science Tokyo.

If I do not get a MEXT scholarship upon my enrollment, are there other scholarships I can apply for?

There are scholarships provided by private foundations that international students can apply. Further information about scholarships that can be applied for before and after enrollment can be found on the scholarships page. The link can be found here

What are the student organizations that GSEP students can participate in?

Various extracurricular activities and student organization for international student in Science Tokyo are open to GSEP students. For more information, please see

What is the cost of living for a single person in Tokyo?

- Rent per month (Studio apartment with kitchen near Ookayama Campus):
65,800 JPY (Average rent of Science Tokyo students)
82,250 JPY (Average rent around Ookayama Station)
- Utility charge per month (electricity, gas, water): 10,000 JPY
- Mobile and internet fees per month: 10,000 JPY
- Restaurant (Single meal at an inexpensive restaurant): 600 JPY to 2,000 JPY


I am currently in my last year of high school. When should I submit my application?

Depending on the date of your graduation, the ideal timing of your application might differ. Applicants must have graduated from the 12-year regular school education by March each year. If your graduation date is after March, then you might want to submit your application for the next academic year.

In my country, only 10 years of education are required to graduate from high school. Can I still apply?

In the previous years' application, the applicants whose countries do not require 12 years of regular school education are individually assessed and recognized by Science Tokyo as having academic ability equivalent to or higher than that of the graduates of a Japanese high school. Please refer to the latest guidelines for changes regarding this matter. Refer to Sect. 4 of the guidelines.

Am I required to send original documents with my application? Is it possible to send a photocopy instead?

A copy is sufficient at the time of application.

What is the required passing grade for IELTS/TOEFL/TOEIC?

There will be no minimum required score for English proficiency for the 2021 application. This may change for the 2022 application.

What is the minimal requirement for high school transcript scores?

There is no minimum requirement for high school transcript scores.

Should I send my application documents through post or online?

From 2021, all application documents should be submitted through the GSEP online application form.

MEXT Scholarship for GSEP

How much is usually the stipend for those who receive the MEXT scholarship?

The MEXT scholarship provides a monthly stipend of JPY 120,000 (~1,090 US dollars) for undergraduate students. The amount of the stipend is subject to change in accordance with the directives of the MEXT scholarship program. One roundtrip airplane ticket will be provided.

Which fees will be waived for a MEXT scholarship recipient?

MEXT scholarship recipients will be exempted from paying the application, admission, and tuition fees.

I have already applied for the MEXT scholarship program under recommendation of the Japanese Embassy or Consulate General in my home country. Can I apply for GSEP with the MEXT scholarship?

Those who are applying for other MEXT scholarship programs such as those requiring a recommendation from the Japanese Embassy or Consulate General, or a scholarship of the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) will be required to decline candidacy of the MEXT scholarship offered under the GSEP program.

If I am not accepted as a MEXT scholarship candidate but I am accepted as a privately-funded international student, are there scholarships available upon entering Tokyo Tech?

You may apply for a Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students awarded by JASSO. The monthly stipend is JPY 48,000, which is subject to change in accordance with JASSO's directives. This scholarship will be offered for one year.

I am living in Japan as of the application deadline. Can I apply for MEXT scholarship?

Applicants who are living in Japan as of the application deadline can’t apply as a MEXT scholar, but they can apply as a privately-funded international student. Moreover, applicants with permanent resident status in Japan can’t apply for GSEP.

GSEP Application: Eligibility

I have a permanent resident status in Japan. Can I apply for GSEP?

Applicants who have a Japanese nationality or permanent resident status can’t apply for GSEP.

Is there an age limit to apply for GSEP?

An upper age limit is imposed for the MEXT scholarship application under GSEP. If you apply as a privately-funded student, an upper age limit won't apply. Privately-funded applicants should be at least 18 years old by the time of admission. (Note: If applicants have completed 12 years of regular schooling or have graduated with a high school equivalency acceptable by Japanese standards by the time of admission, they are still eligible to apply even if they are under 18 years old.)

I will finish my high school on the end of March but the graduation date written on my graduation certificate (diploma certificate) will be a date after April. Can I still apply for the April admissions?

No. The graduation date written on the graduation certificate (Diploma certificate) must be the date by prior to March 31 for the April admission of the same year.

In high school, I didn't have to take one or a few subjects which will be included in the written test. Will I still be eligible for the program?

As long as applicants satisfy the condition of eligibility, they can apply for GSEP regardless what subjects they learned in high school. However, please be noted that the written test will cover high school Maths, Physics and Chemistry.

I have already enrolled in another university. Am I eligible to apply?

Applicants who satisfy the conditions of eligibility can apply for GSEP regardless applicants have already been enrolled in another university.

GSEP Application: Documents

Are photocopies allowed for the submission documents?

A copy is sufficient at the time of application.

I have already enrolled in another university. Is it enough to submit the certificate enrollment at my current university?

No. Applicants who are enrolled in the university have to submit both the certificate of secondary education and enrollment to the university he/she is currently attending. Specifically, the following certificates are required:
1. The graduation certificate of secondary school.
2. The transcript of secondary high school for three years (generally grade 10 to grade 12).
3. The enrollment certificate of the university.

Is there a form of transcript designated by Tokyo Tech? Do I have to submit the translation of the transcript in English?

Science Tokyo doesn’t designate the transcript form. It is enough to submit the official transcript which is issued in English by the applicant's high school. However, it is necessary to submit a photocopy of the original transcript and its official translation by a professional organization (e.g. an embassy) if the transcript is issued in a language other than English or Japanese.

I have the International Baccalaureate Diploma. Do I have to apply for the Individual Assessment of the admission eligibility? What should I submit?

You don’t have to apply for the Individual assessment of the Admission Eligibility. Applicants must submit the transcript of results and Diploma certificate issued by the IB organization. It is necessary to submit a photocopy of the original certified Diploma. Furthermore, A-level is required for "International Cambridge".

I have the International Cambridge A-level certificate. Am I eligible to apply?

Yes. You are eligible. However, you have to apply for the Individual Assessment of Admission Eligibility if you have the only O-level or AS-level certificate.

I can’t have my original English proficiency test score submitted to Tokyo Tech by the deadline. Can you accept the score after the deadline if I send other application documents in time?

No. Science Tokyo doesn’t accept any application documents reaching after the deadline. All the documents, including the original English proficiency test score, must reach Science Tokyo by the deadline.
Please note that if you ask the test organization to send the score directly, it might reach Science Tokyo later than you anticipate. You should confirm with the organization that the document reaches Science Tokyo by the deadline.

Can I send the application documents by email?

No. The latest application procedure is to be conducted online.

Can I submit another English proficiency exam score as substitute to those listed in the applications page?

No. Only the English proficiency exams listed in the official GSEP admissions page will be recognized. However, due to the current COVID-19 situation, conditional exceptions may be granted for certain applicants coming countries where all the required proficiency exams are temporarily suspended. Kindly refer to the guidelines.

I have graduated high school under an English curriculum. I am also living in a country with native language as English. Am I exempted from the submission of English proficiency test scores?

The decision to judge whether you are exempted from submitting the English proficiency test scores will be based solely on your nationality. If your nationality does not use English as native language then you will not be exempted from this requirement. A list of such countries are stated in the guidelines.

I don’t have the passport. Can I apply for GSEP without the passport photocopy?

No. A copy of passport is mandatory document. If you don't have the passport, you apply for getting a passport and you can submit a copy of application for your passport with an official seal of receipt instead of a copy of passport.

Do I have to submit the SAT, ACT or EJU score?

No. You don’t have to submit it. It is the optional documents but may be used as support when deciding whether an applicant passes or not. After passing the preliminary screening, applicants may submit the said documents during the secondary screening.

Is there a minimum score requirement for the English proficiency exams?

There is no minimum score requirement for the English proficiency exams although applicants should keep in mind that the program is conducted solely in English.

Can I submit original copies or certified true copies of the original documents temporary and send the original documents after the deadline?

According to the guidelines, photocopies may be submitted. Applicants who pass the secondary screening and are admitted to the GSEP program will need to provide original copies or certified true copies before the semester starts.

Can I confirm the validity of my documents prior to submission?

No, you have to make sure all of the submitted documents are valid based on the guidelines.

Is there an on-line application system?

From 2021, an online application system is being implemented.

Can I send additional documents like CV, recommendation letters, etc.?

Applicants who pass the initial screening may optionally show any documents to help their application in the interview of the secondary screening. From 2023 (i.e. GSEP 2024 applications), a recommendation letter is one of the required application documents.

GSEP Application: Screening

Is there any information about the written test?

The written examination is composed of a problem-solving exam that covers high school level mathematics, physics, chemistry, and essay questions to assess critical thinking. Additional information is not provided.

Is there any past sample tests?

No. Sample tests are not available.

Do I need to write any essays during my application process?

For the initial screening, there are personal statement essays you may write in the online application form. Also, applicants who pass the initial screening will take a written exam including essay questions to assess critical thinking.

How many students are admitted to the GSEP every year?

As a reference, for the 2022 admissions, the program will admit up to around eight (8) international students who will be accepted as MEXT scholarship recipients for up to four years, in addition to a maximum of ten (10) privately funded students.

What kind of student are you looking for at GSEP?

Please watch GSEP video to know more about us:

GSEP Application: Admissions

Do I need to pay any fee to apply in GSEP?

Yes. Regardless of the result of your application, you are required to pay the application fee.

From the year 2018, application fees must be paid before sending the application documents.

The application fee is non-refundable. However, the application fee may be refunded for the following reasons.

1. Applicants paid the application fee but did not submit their application documents
2. Applications could not be processed by the Admissions Division (e.g., lacking necessary documents)
3. Applicants who will receive the MEXT Scholarship and enroll in Science Tokyo.

Could you tell me the schedule of the application and the admission?

Specific dates are stated in the guidlines. For the detail, we will announce when we send the admissions results.

Is there a fall admission?

Science Tokyo doesn't offer the fall admission course for undergraduate program.

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