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How we ran one of the biggest international student events in Tokyo Tech:
2023 TISA Spring Welcome Party

Mikael Wijaya (Kaka) / Ayoob Ilyas (Ayoob) Hello! Kaka and Ayoob here! We are 7th batch GSEP students currently in our second year at Tokyo Tech. In this blog, we will share our experiences as two among many passionate organizers behind an unforgettable event—the eagerly anticipated Tokyo Tech International Student Association (TISA) 2023 Spring Welcome Party. […]
Tokyo Tech GSEP Off-Campus Project (3)
| Day 2: March 2nd, 2023 |
Science Square Tsukuba
On the second day of the GSEP 2023 Off-Campus Project, students and faculty members visited the Science Square Tsukuba under the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in one of their stops. Let us read how Saengaroon Phraewa (Phraewa,) a GSEP 2022 batch student from Thailand, describes her adventure there. The Science […]
Tokyo Tech GSEP Off-Campus Project (2)
| Day 1: March 1st, 2023 |
The Railway Museum
On March 1st, the first day of the GSEP 2023 Off-Campus Project, students and faculty members headed to Saitama prefecture to visit The Railway Museum. In this second episode on the Off-Campus Project, Murancathuparambil Rachel Devassy (Rach,) a GSEP 2022 batch student from India, will tell us in her words about the amazing collection of […]
Tokyo Tech GSEP Off-Campus Project (1)
| March 1st-3rd, 2023 |

Every year around March, a group of the Global Scientists and Engineers Program (GSEP) students, faculty members and staff head outside the campus for few days to explore the real world, learn, and of course have some fun. The GSEP Off-Campus Project is one of the key parts of GSEP students’ extracurricular activities. This project […]
Visionary Project
Natsu Nakajima and Butoh
Every year, first year students of the Global Scientists and Engineers Program (GSEP) attend a course entitled, “Visionary Project”. With the aim of expanding future pathways of students, the course introduces various lives of successful individuals that cover areas outside natural science and engineering fields. Invited guest speakers have included artists, teachers, photographers, policy-makers, […]