2023 未来を創る“Hybrid Innovation” セッション7

1月9日(火)東京工業大学大岡山キャンパスにて、産学協働プログラム「Hybrid Innovation (HI) 2023」のセッション7を開催しました。このプログラムは、英国ロンドン芸術大学Central Saint Martins校 (CSM) と共同開発したオリジナルメソッドに基づき、講義・実践ワークショップ・ファシリテーション等を組み込んで全10セッションを提供しています。
東工大環境・社会理工学院において野原が主宰するSTADHIーScience & Technology + Art & Design Hybrid Innovationの理念をもとに、アート、デザイン、テクノロジー、サイエンスの知見と方法論を融合。ビジネス環境におけるイノベーションとコミュニケーションの促進を目指し、学際的アプローチに取り組んでいます。





HIメソッド・昨年のプログラムなど、HIについてさらなる情報が欲しい方はこちら: https://www.tse.ens.titech.ac.jp/~deepmode/csm/blog/未来を創るhybrid-innovation/ お問い合わせは事務局へ: ogiuchi.s.aa[@半角に変更してください]m.titech.ac.jp


Session 7 of the industry-academia collaborative programme Hybrid Innovation 2023 (HI) was held at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama Campus, on Tuesday 9 January 2024. Following on from Session 6, this workshop was also led by Specially Appointed Professor Betti Marenko from Central Saint Martins (CSM), University of the Arts London (UAL). In the session, an exercise developed for the Foundation Course at CSM – called Idea Factory – was adapted to facilitate ideation and communication of ideas during practical group work carried out by the participants. This phase of the programme, called HI Practice, will continue over the next few sessions at demonstration of the lessons learnt during the programme. Output from the activities will provide a basis for discussion during the HI Symposium planned for April 2024.

In the HI Practice, participants are divided into four groups with the task of creating an “intervention” (i.e. a product, service or artwork) based on the theme of automation and a future scenario set in 2036. Through this activity, the participants explore new possibilities by first reflecting of various elements in isolation (through quick brainstorming exercises) and then combining them into original proposals and inventive possibilities.

In the second activity, workshop facilitation cards developed by the lecturer Dr Marenko, were used to spark innovative future ideas that came out of the brainstorming phase, not only to find practical applications for them but also to test how resilient the ideas may be to unanticipated events that may occur in the future. The aim was to improve technical aspects of the participants’ innovative proposal by forcing each group into an in-depth reflection on their cultural and social value.

In the spirit of “reflexivity” that permeates all sessions of the programme, the communication dynamics observed during your group discussions were recorded in sketchbooks distributed to the participants, which were used to record progress in their learning and other insights.

You can find further information on the HI programme here. For an outline of the content of previous sessions, please visit our blog.

For inquiries, please contact the secretariat:. ogiuchi.s.aa[at]m.titech.ac.jp