18th English Speech Contest
Audience Invitation

On July 22, 2020, the 18th English Speech Contest organized by the Foreign Languages Section of the Institute of Liberal Arts will be held through Zoom from 13:30 to 15:10 PM.

GSEP students will once again be participating as contestants in the said event. Audience outside of Tokyo Tech are also welcome so feel free to share this information to your family and friends.

The speakers with their topics are listed in no particular order as follows.

  • Zhanybekz Bekbolat, “Universal Basic Income: Essential or Detrimental?
  • Yu Nin Chan, “Are We Equal?
  • Yilun Lu, “Shark, the misconceived creature
  • Natprawee_Pattayawij, “Capitalism Barrier in the Way of Science
  • Zhiyang YU, “The Similarities between Being Chinese and Being Gay
  • Huu Nhat Huy Tran, “How can the world prepare themselves for a future pandemic?
  • Shiho Otomo, “Does Eating Organic Food Make Us Healthier”?
  • Erdenebat Battseren, “Is Renewable Energy the future?

To witness the event, obtain a Zoom URL by sending an email to eigoscr[at]flc.titech.ac.jp (replace [at] with @) with the subject “Speech Contest 2020”.

GSEP orientations in April 2020

Note: These information are only applicable for AY 2020.

Orientation files for GSEP 1st year students:

Files for 1st year students (GSEP) in April 2020


Updated orientation files for GSEP 2nd year and 3rd year students:

2nd year:GSEP_Orientation_2nd_2020.pdf

3rd year: GSEP_Orientation_3rd_2020.pdf


Files for 2nd year students (GSEP) in April 2020

Files for 3rd year students (GSEP) in April 2020

200424-Zoom for joining class (For Windows users)