2021, 2023
担当: Giorgio SALANI・野原佳代子 (Kayoko NOHARA)
講義情報: 広域教養科目 /グローバル理工人コース科目 LAW.X423 1単位
授業形態: 集中講義・演習 (Zoom遠隔授業)
使用言語: 英語
日時: 月曜9₋10限
Course description and aims
What do products mean for people? How does technology relate to culture? What does our relationship with technology and products tell us about society? This seminar series introduces notions of design theory and material culture studies to investigate technological products, materials, processes, and cultures. In each class, we will interpret the relations between people and things through key historical frameworks: from materialist and structuralist views to ANT theory, the social life of things and new-Materialism. The transdisciplinary and nonhierarchical study of both high and low technologies aims to spark lively discussions using relevant, practical and accessible examples.
Student learning outcomes
The post-Anthropocene calls for a remodelling of the role of designers and engineers as makers of concepts as well as makers of stuff. The focus on short lectures, seminar discussions and extensive digital interaction is designed to facilitate the assimilation of theories and their application to practical solutions and exercises. Students will widen design/engineering perspectives narrowly focused on style, function and/or performance, and familiarise themselves with key concepts from design theory, craft studies, anthropology of technology and Western philosophy.
Class flow
The sessions combine seminars + interactive workshops to deliver experiential learning. Participants will form small groups to work on tasks and contribute to the discussions.
2020, 2022
担当: Betti MARENKO・野原佳代子 (Kayoko NOHARA)
講義情報: 広域教養科目 /グローバル理工人コース科目 LAW.X423 1単位
授業形態: 集中講義・演習 (Zoom遠隔授業)
使用言語: 英語
The course draws on process philosophy, design theory and science and technology studies to critically locate discourses around technology and the impact of digital technologies on the planet and the future. We will look at ideas around the human, the post-human and the non-human to examine the encounter human-machine across a number of contexts e.g. historical; cultural; material-semiotic; techno-digital; animistic; in interaction design; and in relation to assumptions circulating around technology’s role, responsibility and values. The aim is to build a transdisciplinary toolkit of ideas, discourses and methods to reflect critically on technologies; to cultivate anticipatory and future-building skills; to speculate on hybrid future scenarios located in the post-Anthropocene; to acquire a vocabulary of concepts applicable to a range of technology-related areas and disciplines. The course is a mix of lectures, workshops and facilitated collaborative work on Miro. A series of readings will be assigned throughout.
日時 (2021):
①1月7日(木) 18:05 -19:45
Welcome and introduction
Theoretical tools for speculating on the Post-Anthropocene
②1月8日(金)18:05 -19:45
Future Anticipation
Transversality, transdisciplinarity and post-qualitative methods
③1月14日(木) 18:05 -19:45
Future Philosophical Pills Workshop
④1月21日(木) 18:05 -19:45
Human-machine encounter: androids to algorithms
⑤1月22日(金)18:05 -19:45
Digital uncertainty in planetary computation
⑥2月4日(木) 18:05 -19:45
Designing speculation, fiction and futurecrafting
⑦2月5日(金)18:05 -19:45
Animism 2.0
教務Webシステムにて履修申告してください。履修申告期限後はメール連絡 → Prof. Kayoko Nohara (nohara.k.aa@m.titech.ac.jp) CC: Megumi Hiraki (hiraki.m.aa@m.titech.ac.jp)