SoMaT October School Kicks Off in Tokyo

SoMaT is anĀ INTPART (Research Council of Norway) project that investigates “Sociomaterial Transformations” in Norway and East Asia from a Humanities-based Science & Technology Studies (STS) framework on three thematic areas: sustainability, digitalization, and diversity.

The SoMaT October School has begun this week.

Graduate students from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), KAIST, Tsinghua University, and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) have gathered in Tokyo to engage in an intensive week-long fieldwork and discussion on the themes of “sustainability, digitalization, and diversity.”

The October School is coordinated by Ryota Ishii, a researcher at Institute of Science Tokyo (formerly Tokyo Institute of Technology).

On the first day, September 30th, lectures by professors from each university were held at the Midorigaoka Hall of Tokyo Institute of Technology.