
特別研究員  2023~
原 正彦

環境・社会理工学院 融合理工学系


No Rock, No Life
Science is not everything.

ドイツ・アーヘン工科大学 シニア・フェロウ
東京工業大学 環境・社会理工学院 特別研究員
熊本大学 大学院先導機構 客員教授
英国・ロンドン芸術大学 客員研究員




  • A. Portela, T. Yano, C. Santschi, O.J.F. Martin, H. Tabata, and M. Hara. 2017. Highly sensitive SERS analysis of the cyclic Arg-Gly-Asp peptide ligands of cells using nanogap antennas. In J. Biophoton. 10: 294-302.
  • L. Zhu, M. Aono, S.-J. Kim, and M. Hara.2013. Amoeba-based computing for traveling salesman problem: Long-term correlations between spatially separated individual cells of Physarum polycephalum. In Biosystems 112: 1-10.
  • J. Noh & M. Hara. 2002. Final phase of alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers on Au(111). In Langmuir 18: 1953-1956.
  • K. Tamada, M. Hara, H. Sasabe, and W. Knoll. 1997. Surface Phase Behavior of n-Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers Adsorbed on Au(111): An Atomic Force Microscopy Study. In Langmuir 13: 1558-1566.
  • M. Hara, Y. Iwakabe, K. Tochigi, H. Sasabe, A.F. Garito, and A. Yamada. 1990. Anchoring structure of smectic liquid-crystal layers on MoS2 observed by scanning tunnelling microscopy. In Nature 344(6263): 228.

WRHI特任教授  2019~2021
IRFI-WRH特任教授  2019~
ベティ・マレンコ(Dr. Betti MARENKO)

環境・社会理工学院 融合理工学系



University of East London School of Social Sciences 博士課程修了 博士号取得(Ph.D. Philosophy)
ウルビーノ大学講師、エセックス大学講師、ロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セントマーティンズ校 にて主任研究員を経て、現在同大学にて学士課程 Contextual Studiesプログラム主任



  • B. Marenko. 2017. Filled with wonder. The enchanting android from cams to codes. In Encountering Things. Design and Theories of Things. Leslie Atzmon and Prasad Boradkar (eds.) London, Bloomsbury. pp.19-34.
  • B. Marenko. 2017. Incertitude, contingence et intuition matérielle: un cadre de recherché pour un design mineur. In Biomimétisme: science, design et architecture. Manola Antonioli and Laurent Karst (eds.) Paris, Éditions Loco. pp. 31- 43.
  • Experiences in the UK on the Control of Discharges of Sewage and Sewage Sludge to Estuarine and Coastal Waters. M G Norton, 1983. Pp947-1022 in Ocean Disposal of Municipal Wastewater: Impacts on the Coastal Environment, MIT Press, 1983.
  • J. Brassett and B. Marenko. 2015 Introduction.In: Deleuze and Design. Deleuze Connections. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh,pp.1-30.
  • B. Marenko. 2014 Neo-Animizm and Design. A New Paradigm in Object Theory. Design and Culture, 6(2). pp.219-242.
  • B. Marenko. 2010 Contagious affectivity: the management of emotions i late capitalist design. 6yh Swiss Design Network Conference, Basel, Switzerland.

WRHI特任教授  2018~2020
ウルリケ・オバーラック(Dr. Ulrike OBERLACK)

環境・社会理工学院 融合理工学系




特任教授  2018~2020
ヘザー・バーネット(Heather BARNETT)

環境・社会理工学院 融合理工学系






  • Barnett, H., [ed] (2012). Broad Vision: Inspired by… Images from Science. London, University of Westminster.
  • Barnett, H. & Smith, J.R.A., [ed] (2011). Broad Vision: The Art & Science of Looking. London, University of Westminster.
  • Barnett, Heather & Holloway, Will (2011); Flow: Guy’s Hospital Cancer Day Unit Art Project, print on demand.


  • Barnett, H. The Liquidity of Knowledge: learning across disciplinary divides in For the Love of Learning, Palgrave Macmillan (2013)
  • Barnett, H & Lange, S., Fluid networks and emergent learning: an interdisciplinary case study. Mutamorphosis conference proceedings, CIANT, Prague (2012)
  • Barnett, Heather and Smith, John R. A. (2013) Broad Vision: the Art & Science of Looking, The STEAM Journal: Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 21.
  • Barnett, Heather & Shinkle, Eugenie; Mobilising Ideas: ctlad conference, New York, USA; published in: Enhancing Curricula: using research and enquiry to inform student learning in the disciplines, ed: Houghton, Nicholas; Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art & Design (cltad), 2008: 4th International Conference
  • Barnett, Heather & Whittle, Robert; Drawing the Line, Leonardo Journal, Vol 39, No 5 2006

特任教授  2017~2018
マイケル・ノートン(Dr. Michael NORTON)

マイケル ノートン

環境・社会理工学院 融合理工学系



今年も、サイエンスコミュニケーション海外派遣に、優秀な学生たちの参加が決まり準備が始まりました。 半数はロンドン科学博物館で、複雑な科学をどう一般に伝えるか、10日間で体験し学びます。残りの半数は、私と一緒に英国のいろいろなサイエンスコミュニケーション機関を訪ねます。英国議会科学技術室、最古の国立科学アカデミーである王立協会など、それぞれが違う仕事、違う役割を持っています。今年はこのプログラムを開始して早や12年目になります - みんなで多くのものを達成してきたことを記念し、本にしたいと考えています。

また、今年もベーシックレベルの講義として 『環境と社会 Environment and society』を行います。さらに、経済・ビジネスモデルをに従来のリニア的(自然のリソースを生産に利用し、消費者に販売し最後には廃棄する)ではなく、より循環的なアプローチ(リソースは繰り返し用いられ、自然に対するプレッシャーと廃棄物が減少)を考える、そうした授業を計画しています。供給チェーン全体がリデザインされる必要があり、エンジニア、科学者は重要な役割を担う必要があります。

さて、私たちの論文がつい最近、査読誌に掲載されました。 “Imparting Soft Skills and Creativity in University Engineering Education through a Concept Designing Short Course”(International Journal of Engineering Education)です。題材にしたConcept Designing プロジェクトが、この夏もまた、やってきます。武蔵野美術大学とのコラボレーションを今年も楽しみにしています。(2017年6月)

Bristol University 博士課程修了 博士号取得(Ph.D. Chemistry)
英国議会科学技術政策室ディレクター、駐日英国大使館 科学技術参事官、東京工業大学、信州大学、東北大学を経て現職



  • The Influence of Site-specific Characteristics on the Effects of Sewage Sludge Dumping. M G Norton and M A Champ (1989). Pp 161-186 in ‘Oceanic Processes in Marine Pollution’ Vol 4 – Scientific Monitoring Strategies for Ocean Waste Disposal, Robert Krieger Publishing.
  • Worldwide Pollution of the Oceans, M G Norton, 1985. In Global Climate Change, Sepp Books.
  • Experiences in the UK on the Control of Discharges of Sewage and Sewage Sludge to Estuarine and Coastal Waters. M G Norton, 1983. Pp947-1022 in Ocean Disposal of Municipal Wastewater: Impacts on the Coastal Environment, MIT Press, 1983.
  • Colliery Waste and Flyash Dumping off the NorthEast Coast of England. M G Norton. Wastes in the Ocean Vol 4 pp423-448. Wiley Interscience.
  • O’Connor, T.P, Norton, M.G.; Mearns, A.J; Wolfe, D.A.; Duedall, I.W. Scales of biological effects. P. 1-7 in: O’Connor, Burt; Duedall (eds.) Oceanic processes in marine pollution. Vol.2, 1987.
  • Norton, M.G.. Marine disposal by dumping. P. 91-99 in: proceedings of a seminar ‘Todays and Tomorrows wastes’, held at Cork, Ireland, May 1979. Dublin, National Board for Science and Technology, 1980 172p.
  • Norton, M.G; Franklin, F.L; Blackman, R.A.. Toxicity testing in the United Kindom for the evaluation of oil slick dispersants. P.18-34 in: Mccarthy et al.(eds.) Chemical Dispersants for the Control of oil spills. ASTM stp 659, 1978.
  • The Regulation of the Environmental Aspects of Biotechnology in the UK. M G Norton (1987). Biotechnology and the Environment – International Regulation (eds, Gibbs, J.N, Cooper, I.p., Mackler, B.F) Stockton Press, 1987.
  • Recent and Novel Developments in the Recovery of Cells from Fermentation Broths. C P Bowden, G Leaver, M G Norton (1987). Separations for Biotechnology. Ellis Horwood Ltd, 1987.
  • BIOSEP: A Novel Approach to Precompetitive research in Downstream Processing. M G Norton (1987). In Frontiers in Bioprocessing, CRC Press, 1987.
  • The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (1997) M G Norton. Pp 322-339 in Technikfolgen-abschatzung. Oldenbourg, 1997.
  • The Origins and Functions of the UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. 2000. In Parliaments and Technology. Eds N.J.Vig and H Paschen.Sate University of New York Press.
  • M G Norton. 2010. Teaching Environmental Sustainability in Japan, Shinshu University 180pp.
  • M G Norton. 2010. Sustainability and Business. Shinshu University 220 pp.
  • M G Norton. 2012. Sustainability and Business – Duty or Opportunity. Routledge. 250pp.


  • Vibrational and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic studies on some carbonyl complexes of gold, palladium, platinum, rhodium, and iridium. Browning, Jane; Goggin, Peter L.; Goodfellow, Robin J.; Norton, Michael G.; Rattray, Alasdair J. M.; Taylor, Brian F.; Mink, Janos. Dep. Inorg. Chem., Univ. Bristol, Bristol, UK. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999) (1977), (20), 2061-7.
  • Force constant calculations for the in-plane vibrations of anions [MX3CO]- (where MX is palladium chloride (PdCl), palladium bromide (PdBr), platinum chloride (PtCl), platinum bromide (PtBr) or platinum iodide (PtI)). Goggin, P. L.; Norton, M. G.; Mink, J. Inorg. Chem. Dep., Bristol Univ., Bristol, UK. Inorganica Chimica Acta (1978), 26(1), 125-8.
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of complexes of platinum(II), palladium(II), platinum(IV), rhodium(III), and iridium(III) containing three or four trimethylphosphine ligands. Goggin, Peter L.; Goodfellow, Robin J.; Knight, John R.; Norton, Michael G.; Taylor, Brian F. Dep. Inorg. Chem., Univ. Bristol, Bristol, UK. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999) (1973), (21), 2220-6.
  • Infrared and Raman spectra and vibrational assignment of methylene cyclopropane-h6 and -d6. Bertie, John E.; Norton, M. G.. Dep. Chem., Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Can. Canadian Journal of Chemistry (1970), 48(24), 3889-902.
  • Normal coordinate calculations of the vibrations of methylene cyclopropane-h6 and -d6. Bertie, J. E.; Norton, M. G.. Dep. Chem., Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Can. Canadian Journal of Chemistry (1971), 49(13), 2229-41.
  • Vibrational spectra of some gold(I), palladium(II), and platinum(II) complexes with trialkylphosphines and trialkylarsines. Duddell, D. A.; Goggin, Peter L.; Goodfellow, Robin J.; Norton, M. G.; Smith, John Graham. Dep. Inorg. Chem., Univ. Bristol, Bristol, UK. Journal of the Chemical Society [Section] A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical> (1970), (3), 545-64.
  • The relationship of skeletal stretching frequencies throughout the trimethylphosphine-platinum(II) halide substitution series. Duddell, D. A.; Goggin, P. L.; Goodfellow, R. J.; Norton, M. G.. Univ. Bristol, Bristol, UK. Chemical Communications (London) (1968), No. 15 879-81.
  • Force constants in the hexacarbonylrhenium(I) cation. Abel, E. W.; McLean, R. A. N.; Norton, M. G.; Tyfield, S. P. Univ. Bristol, Bristol, UK. Chemical Communications (London) (1968), No. 15 900-1.
  • The Metal Content of Fish and Shellfish in Liverpool Bay. Norton, M.G. and Murray, A.J., 1983. Chemy in Ecol.,I: 159-172.
  • Temporal Trends in some Metal Concentrations in the Sediment of the Liverpool Bay Sewage Sludge Dumping Ground. Norton, M.G. and Rowlatt, S.M., 1982. Environ.Tech. Letters 3:247-250.
  • Water Quality Studies around the Sewage Sludge Dumping Site in Liverpool Bay. Norton, M.G. Franklin, A and Rowlatt, S.M., 1984. Estuar. Coast.& Shelf Sci., 19:53-67.
  • The Operation of the Dumping at Sea Act 1974. M G Norton. Chem. & Ind. No. 19, 1976, p.629-634.
  • The role of Laboratory Testing in the UK’s controls on Dumping Wastes at Sea. M G Norton and R R Lloyd. Chemosphere, 10(6) 1981.
  • Norton, M.G. The control and monitoring of sewage sludge dumping at sea. J. Inst. Wat. Poll. Control no. 3, 1978, p.401-407.
  • Norton, M.G. The Oslo and London dumping conventions. Mar. Poll. Bull. 1981, 12(5) p.145-149.
  • Portmann, J.E.; Norton, M.G. Disposal to sea of toxic materials. Chem. Ind. 1981, 18, p.285-290.
  • Temporal trends in some metal concentrated sediments at the Liverpool bay sewage dumping ground, Norton, M.G.; Rowlatt, S.M. Environ. Technol. Lett. 3(6) p.247-250.
  • Norton, M.G; Rowlatt, S.M.; Nunny, R.S. Sewage sludge dumping and contamination of Liverpool Bay sediments. 1982. Estuar. Coast. Shelf. Sci. 1984, 19(1), p.69-87.
  • Bucke, D; Feist, S.W; Norton, M.G. A histopathological report of some epidermal anomalies of dover sole solea solea l and other flatfish species in coastal waters off south-east England. J. Fish biol. 1983, 23(5) p.565-578
  • Identification and Characterisation of a gene that controls colony morphology and auto-aggregation in Escheria coli K12. 1990. Simon.R.Warne, Jennifer.M.Varley, Graham J.Boulnois and Michael.G.Norton. Journal of General Microbiology, 136, 455-462.
  • Collaborative Research in Downstream processing. 1989. L.E.Gilbert, D.Mackay and M.G.Norton. International Industrial Biotechnology 9 (1), 9-14.
  • Parliamentary Technology Assessment in the UK (1996). Pp581-588 in International Journal of Technology Management(Ed D Loveridge) Interscience Enterprises, 1996.
  • Technology Assessment and Parliament. 1992. Science and Technology Policy, June 1992. British Library, UK.
  • M G Norton . 2005. UK Radioactive Waste Disposal Policy-a role for Social Systems Science? International Society for system sciences 51st meeting
  • M G Norton. 2007. Japan’s Eco- towns-Industrial Clusters or Local Systems of Innovation? International Society for system sciences 51st meeting
  • M G Norton. 2007. Industrial Clusters: what relevance to Prefectures such as Nagano? Innovation Management 2007 (3) pp 68-90
  • M G Norton, Nick Allum. 2007. Spurious Science and Tactical Uncertainty. Science and Public Affairs. Dec 2007, p18
  • M G Norton and K Higuchi. 2008. Eco-towns and Innovation clusters – synergy towards Sustainability? Global Environment. Vol 1, pp 68-86, 2007
  • M G Norton, K Nohara , M Saijo. 2008. Overseas Internships as a vehicle for cultivating Meta -consciousness regarding communication. Journal of Science Communication http://jcom.sissa.it/archive/07/01/Jcom0701%282008%29A01/
  • M G Norton. 2008. Barriers to a Low-Carbon Society. 3rd UK-Japan Low Carbon Workshop, Tokyo 13-15 Feb 2008
  • M G Norton. 2008. POST – 20 years on. Science in Parliament. May, 2008
  • マイケル・ノートン. 2009. サイエンス・コミュニケーションの発生と発展―英国その他欧州の歴史を概観する. 科学技術コミュニケーション入論、培風館pp.111-126
  • M G Norton. 2008. Japan’s Forest Industries- a role for Cluster Policy? Innovation Management 4 (2008), pp55-83.
  • M G Norton. 2008. Developing a ‘Green’ MOT aimed at SMEs. New directions for Technology Management, Tokyo
  • マイケル・ノートン. 2009.日本の経済は「グリーン化」すべきか?世界経済評論 2009 (6), pp 41-48
  • M G Norton. 2009. Climate Change and Business- Joint UK/Japan Workshop Jan 26,27 2009.
  • M G Norton and T Ueki. 2009. Competitive Forestry Business in a Global Market- Scotland’s experience with a Forestry Cluster and relevance to Japan. Journal of Forest Planning 15: pp1-10
  • M G Norton. 2009. Science, Society and Innovation – experience in communicating science in the EU. Innovation Management (5), pp 84-104
  • M G Norton and K Nohara. 2009. Science Cafes- cross cultural adaptation and educational applications. Journal of Science Communication JCOM 8(4), pp 1-11
  • M G Norton. 2010. Motivating leaders towards innovation in sustainability: Shinshu University’s’ Green’MOT. Innovation Management, 33-52
  • M G Norton and T Ueki. 2011. Scotland’s Forestry Cluster Experience and Relevance to Japanese Prefectural Forestry-A Case Study of Nagano Prefecture. Journal of forest planning 17 (1), 21-30
  • M G Norton. 2011. Science Communication-International Experience and Current Relevance. 専門日本語教育研究 13 (0), 3-8
  • M G Norton. 2011. Cross cultural experiences in teaching and research in Japan: 6 years at Shinshu University’s Innovation Management Institute. Innovation management, 24-36
  • M G Norton and T Aikawa. 2012. Stakeholder Engagement in Developing a Sustainable Biomass Policy for Japan. International Journal of Environment and Sustainability (IJES) 1 (4)
  • M G Norton 2012. Green Innovation: is it really Green? Innovation management, 1-16
  • M G Norton, K Higuchi, Y Li and Y Tanaka. 2013. Environmental Leadership Teaching in Academic and Business Environments. Journal of innovation management (2014), 32-48
  • M G Norton, Y Li et al. 2014. Effect of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on Sewage Facilities and Subsequent Recovery Measures. Journal of Water Sustainability 4 (1), 27-40
  • M G Norton, Y li, et al 2014. An anoxic/oxic submerged constructed wetlands process for wastewater treatment: Modeling, simulation and evaluation. Ecological Engineering 67, 206-215
  • Kayoko Nohara, Michael Norton and Eriko Kawano, “Imparting Soft Skills and Creativity in University Engineering Education through a Concept Designing Short Course”, International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 33, No. 2(A), pp. 1–10, 2017.